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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committeemember Davis stated, Alright, I'm at peace. <br /> Committee Chair Ferlic then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor <br /> of or in opposition to Bill No. 18-19. <br /> Sue Kesim, 4022 Kennedy Drive, stated, My issue is with abatements in general. As you know, <br /> I've looked at the budget. When you give the developer TIF money, that is taxpayer money and <br /> we expect to get that back in terms of taxes to refill the coffers. When I looked at the figures and <br /> you give TIF and then an abatement,things like the Health Department we just had here are getting <br /> underfunded. We can't have it both ways. When I looked at the figures on page two hundred and <br /> forty-four (244), the past ten (10) years the City of South Bend has given $868 million in <br /> abatements and we wonder why the budget is coming up short. I really implore both the City and <br /> County Councils to get out their calculators and really look at abatements. What you are saying is <br /> the tax payers don't have to be repaid and, as a taxpayer,that comes out of something somewhere. <br /> It comes out of the small persons home or business. So in general, I have to agree with Jamie <br /> O'Brien of the County Council that too much has been given away. You guys have to look at the <br /> total because it is staggering. It is not free money. It is money that comes out of paying for things <br /> that we need. You need to look at the totals. I sit in these meetings and boy, abatements, <br /> abatements, TIFs, TIFs, and then I hear we don't have enough money. Well, that is just my <br /> perspective of having gone through the budget last year and I want all of you to look at those <br /> figures. <br /> Will Smith, 728 Whitehall Drive, stated, I would like to speak in favor of this. Mr. Perri has been <br /> a part of the planning process for a very long time and seeing this project come to fruition is rather <br /> wonderful to see. I would echo Sue's comments that the process is confusing and I think the City <br /> could enhance that process. Thank you. <br /> James Mueller, Executive Director of Community Investment with offices on the 14th floor of the <br /> County-City Building, stated, We get into this discussion every time we bring an abatement. The <br /> abatements are on the incremental value that is being added. Many of these projects, given our <br /> market and other variables wouldn't be viable without these incentives. We are not talking about <br /> abated taxes on what we get because otherwise we would get nothing.Here,for six(6)years alone, <br /> we are getting roughly $1.5 million and after that the abatement is done and we get full taxes on <br /> the commercial portion too. This is new assessed value coming online that wouldn't be available <br /> otherwise.Particularly with the commercial element,if you left it to them and we weren't involved, <br /> they would probably have the parking on the ground floor and condos above. Here we are getting <br /> a real benefit for the City. <br /> Mr. Panzica stated, I would just like to add that when we bought this property it was with the <br /> intention that this building and property would be a pivotal site in the downtown. It had been <br /> dormant for twenty (20) years or more. What we do to this site will affect generations and will be <br /> around long after we are gone. The goal is to have a quality and level of development that will <br /> benefit the City and the future generations of the City. Could we have bought the site and made <br /> money building a three (3) story wood frame townhome? Yes and that would have been a gross <br /> underutilization of such a pristine parcel of land. So with the assistance of the City TIF and tax <br /> abatement, we are able to elevate the project to something that will help move the City and <br /> downtown forward. Long after Frank and I are gone, this building will be paying taxes into South <br /> Bend. This building will stand for hundreds of years and will pay property taxes down the road. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.92211 f574.235.9173I <br /> 6 <br />