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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> the Chocolate Factory sites would probably require a complete environmental impact statement <br /> but it wouldn't take less than three (3) years for that. There is quite a big difference between the <br /> shortest and longest amount of time before you can get to construction. <br /> Committeemember Regina Williams-Preston stated Around the Honeywell site there were some <br /> environmental issues with regard to contamination back in the day. Did that come up? <br /> Mr. Brewer stated We had a conversation with staff about environmental conditions. The short <br /> answer to that is that there is an expectation that there are some environmental conditions present <br /> in that area that will have to be addressed. I would not say the City was overly nervous of those <br /> conditions but I think they are aware of the reality that these are old industrial sites.The assumption <br /> made was that we wouldn't be able to quantify the likely impact from the remediation standpoint. <br /> We talked about the social justice component of a brownfield development as that site would move <br /> forward. <br /> Mr. Foyle stated, We did have an allowance for remediation. It was not very scientific how we <br /> came up with it but we did want a reserve,just in case. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, I have a couple questions about process. You are looking at <br /> ten(10)year predictions on some of this. How much conversation have you had, at this point,with <br /> our developer community? <br /> Mr. Brewer replied, The critical starting point for us was as much fact-based as possible. We <br /> wanted to start with as much of a detailed inventory of land that could be developed to understand <br /> the framework of our conversation. We wanted to have a clear understanding of the zoning. We <br /> wanted to find the clear path to transactions and that was a driver of those conversations. We had <br /> a number of conversations with City staff about what developments were and weren't happening. <br /> We tried to get an understanding of where in the City neighborhoods there has been acquiring and <br /> demolishing of properties. There are infill opportunities in different areas. This was definitely a <br /> study where we didn't want to cause concerns by only talking to one (1) or few developers. This <br /> was intended to be as fact-based as possible. <br /> Councilmember Broden followed up,Was there an allowance plugged in here in terms of capacity? <br /> You talked about how some of these sites have more of a pure readiness. Did you look at our <br /> capacity as a City to incentivize? <br /> Mr.Brewer replied,We are always sensitive to incentive conversations.It is a broader set of policy <br /> we didn't necessarily get to because it is by default, policy, and you may choose to do things by <br /> policy reasons. I think our intent was to understand which station areas have the most latent <br /> capacity for development to be built on. We also struggled with parking for each station. Our main <br /> intent was to find the most straightforward number of how much land there is and find the net <br /> acreage of what we are working with.The next step is to start hypothetically applying development <br /> to that vacant land. <br /> Councilmember Broden followed up, So your focus point was on new construction? Is there <br /> another process here to look at for redevelopment? <br /> Mr. Brewer replied, For Honeywell, Amtrak and Downtown, there is an opportunity for that. All <br /> things being equal, renovation should be a little more cost-effective than construction. That is not <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 TrD 574.235.5567 <br /> 12 <br />