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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committee Chair Broden stated,Ok,good to know that. So with regard to question number twenty- <br /> one (21), monthly reports, I think one (1) of the benefits of getting the current MOUs and letters <br /> of understanding is being able to look at that. It appears as if monthly reports have been required <br /> in the past. <br /> Ms. Colborn replied, Those were treated informally. For example, the Chief of Police would call <br /> the Prosecutor and ask how things are going. That was a less formal measure and this will be a <br /> new metric to be put in place to help monitor effectiveness. <br /> Ken Cotter, County Prosecutor with offices on the 10th floor of the County-City Building, stated, <br /> There are two (2) different layers to that. One (1) is we had been routinely meeting about four (4) <br /> or six (6) times a year with the Chiefs of Police, the Prosecutor and then the civilian member. <br /> During that time we would give oral reports of what was occurring in the different units. The <br /> Chiefs would take notes on whatever was important for them. At the end of each year, we would <br /> give a written report to the Chiefs. Sometimes they would keep them and sometimes they wouldn't. <br /> That was more of an update on what was necessary. This information is not public but I don't think <br /> there has ever been a time if a Chief is asked for an update on what is going on that those updates <br /> were not given. <br /> Committee Chair Broden stated, And that is where I think the end of year assessment of needs is <br /> a great piece that was incorporated into this. Thank you for that. I guess one (1) of my interests, <br /> and I'll just say it, and I think it would behoove the Council as a body as a significant contributor <br /> to this Interlocal, I extend the invitation on an ongoing basis, in general terms,to come present to <br /> the Health and Public Safety Committee of the Common Council. I would like to know what the <br /> overall needs are for the unit. <br /> Mr. Cotter replied, When you say needs, is that a term of art that you guys use? <br /> Committee Chair Broden replied,No. <br /> Mr. Cotter followed up, So you are just talking about what is necessary in order for us to continue <br /> functioning? <br /> Committee Chair Broden replied, Yes. I mean staffing, budget, exactly. <br /> Mr. Cotter stated,Understand the budget is actually all of my Office. South Bend,Mishawaka and <br /> County Police don't pay any money except for supplying the officers for those units. I pay for cell <br /> phones, lap tops, computers, office space, and supplies. The City would pay half of the training. <br /> So I would pay half of the training for your officers. I believed that was necessary and important <br /> so we would get above and beyond the basic necessities that the City and County was supplying <br /> those officers. It is certainly seven figures if we are talking total including all three (3) different <br /> units. <br /> Committee Chair Broden stated, I think that is good to know and is good information because a <br /> lot of this affects our citizens. We want to make sure you have the resources you need and if for <br /> any reason that were to change, we would like to know that. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building I227W.Jefferson BvldI South Bend,Indiana 46601 p574.235.9221If574.235.91731 <br /> 3 <br />