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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> on. The valve program is not the only answer and if there is a better solution that a plumber has <br /> suggested,that would be appropriate as well. <br /> Committee Chair Dr. Varner stated, I hope we make it clear that this is an assistance program to <br /> mitigate costs and in no way is it an assumption of liability. <br /> Mr. Fahey replied, Exactly. The City is not a part of the contract and has no obligations to the <br /> maintenance issues. <br /> Dr. Kara Boyles, City Engineer with offices on the 13th floor of the County-City Building, stated, <br /> There are a lot of aspects in this study and a lot of the questions have been asked and answered. <br /> We are engaging in what we are calling a comprehensive zero (0) capacity study for these hot <br /> spots,those four(4)areas we have been talking about tonight.That study will begin with collecting <br /> data. We will look at our GIS system, will do some ground-truthing, looking at the data, looking <br /> at the sewer system and gathering some survey data. We will also be sending out a questionnaire. <br /> We sat down a few times with residents and heard some of the issues they've had both in 2018 and <br /> 2016.That information is important for us to gather.By Friday,there should be a link on the City's <br /> website that should be available for anyone to click on and it will be a questionnaire asking <br /> questions to gather data on the residents. We will then do some system modeling. Back in 2003, <br /> there was a storm water master plan made for the City. We will engage that plan..But out of this <br /> study we will come up with some recommended improvements. Some of those might be <br /> infrastructure projects but also, we want to look at contractor best practices. We will look to make <br /> a guide for homeowners to make the best decision. There are considerations to what is the best <br /> practice. We will then go through an implementation process. <br /> Dr.Boyles continued, Some of the projects I'm going to talk about are not necessarily CSO related, <br /> but are related in the fact that they are waste water projects, drainage projects or storm projects. <br /> So, they have that indirect correlation. All these projects will be bid out this year (referencing a <br /> slide in the presentation). These are electrical upgrades at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. It is <br /> about a$4 million investment that has been needed for a while. We have aging infrastructure,poor <br /> conditioned electrical components throughout the plant and some need for some backup power in <br /> generators. We've been studying this plant and there will be quite a few elements addressed. This <br /> (referencing the presentation) is a belt filter press. In the Wastewater Treatment Plant process we <br /> generate sludge from the biological treatment side and then that goes into a dewatering process <br /> and we use the belt filter presses. We have four(4) of them and this will be the last of the four(4) <br /> to do a rehab on. We are planning to rehab a raw sewage pump, too. We have an annual program <br /> to review sewer and manhole lining. In the past year we had focused work done in the CSO <br /> eighteen (18) area. We lined large-diameter sewers and will continue doing that taking us all the <br /> way to the river. We spend about$1.5 million a year on sewer and manhole lining. <br /> Committeemember Regina Williams-Preston left the meeting at 6:17 p.m. <br /> Dr.Boyles went on,This year is the first year we will have a designated line item Fund for drainage <br /> projects. We are receiving $500,000 from Local Roads and Streets to focus on a building list of <br /> drainage needs throughout the City. These are mostly coming from residents who have issues. We <br /> have that list identified as a top ten(10),chances are we won't get to all ten(10)but we are trying. <br /> We are doing some stabilization improvements at Ravina Park. Part of those are pedestrian <br /> improvements. That has a $100,000 donation grant from the Pokagon Band and that is to handle <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TTD 574.235.5567 j <br /> 7 <br />