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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> wanted to make you aware of. One (1) lady got dropped off at the mall and she is like partially <br /> paralyzed and they just dropped her off and things like that. There are issues they want you guys <br /> to review. You should change your para-transit buses to propane. I know you lose money on para- <br /> transit. <br /> Ms.Hill replied,We are always looking into alternative fuels. One(1) of the challenges with para- <br /> transit is the difference between curb to curb and door to door. We are curb to curb so, <br /> unfortunately, dropping someone off at the curb is all we do. We do not take people to the door. <br /> Ms.Kesim interjected, One(1) of the big complaints was it wasn't reliable enough. They get there <br /> and it was too late and they miss their doctor's appointment. It is not accurate enough and it causes <br /> more problems because they already have a problem. I am saying this for them and I am just trying <br /> to represent them. The buses don't even go to the TRANSPO office building for them to go to the <br /> board meetings. My suggestion to them as a group was maybe there could be a church bus to pick <br /> them all up and bring them to a meeting with you. Maybe you could have a google hangout or <br /> something? <br /> Ms. Hill replied, There are a lot of challenges with para-transit. We do about three hundred and <br /> fifty (350) to three hundred and eighty (380) rides a day for para-transit. There is always a thirty <br /> (3 0)minute window. Sometimes it runs late but it just depends. <br /> Ms. Kesim stated, There needs to be place, a whole screen, on your website, for people in para- <br /> transit to leave feedback. <br /> Committeemember Andrew Duncan asked, Does TRANSPO provide bar crawl services? <br /> Ms. Hill replied, Most of our service during the week ends around 10:00 p.m. We do have our <br /> Seven-A (7A) midnight express which runs on Friday and Saturday night which runs during the <br /> academic year.Notre Dame and St. Mary's pays for that service. That runs between the campuses <br /> and Downtown South Bend. That is the only late-night service we have that this time. If there was <br /> demand and funding available, that is certainly something to look at. The trends now are cutting <br /> back on that service because of the Uber and Lyft. <br /> With no further business, Committeemember John Voorde adjourned the Residential <br /> Neighborhoods Committee meeting at 5:56 p.m. <br /> Respe fully Sub tted, <br /> John Voorde, Committeemember <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 ITTD 574.235.5567 I <br /> 6 <br />