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Zoning and Annexation Committee <br />,July 9, 2Q07 <br />Page 8 <br />Kathy Hall of 1211 Stanfield Street voiced concern about traffic. She noted that it is <br />difficult now to turn off of her street onto Angela Boulevard; and that with the many <br />events at the University that it becomes especially challenged throughout the year. She <br />asked "where are the cars going to go?" She asked the Council Members to "think <br />about when the eyes of the nation will be on us". She urged the Council Members to <br />closely listen to their concerns and address them in commitments. <br />Tracy Thomas of 1024 Leeper Avenue noted that she lives with her husband and <br />children at this address. She asked `"where are the commitments in writing?" She <br />asked that there be commitments regarding mature planning and a barrier wall. That <br />the need for the super-sizing be explained so that their equal protection rights are <br />protected. <br />Alan Seeball of 1324 North St. Joseph noted that he is an engineer. He voiced concern <br />over the development's proposed changes which have taken place in the last seventy <br />(70) days. He stated that there are "significant deviations from zoning standards". He <br />suggested: <br />• That trees be saved <br />• That 1,28'! parking spacing will require roof top parking which has not been <br />addressed <br />• That the traffic study should be released to the public <br />• That with regard to the loss of the woods that there are probably 500 trees per <br />acre in the ND woods averaging 1 tree every $7 feet. {He noted that one tree <br />supplies the oxygen for two (2) people per year and that 20,000 South Bend <br />resident's oxygen will be lost) The development "can do better than cutting <br />trees" <br />He added that the originally proposed plan he believes was better. He urged the <br />Council Members to seek moderation; and that Joe Harman's recommendations should <br />be pursued. <br />Counci! Member Kirsits thanked every one for their input, and concluded the <br />Committee's public hearing. He noted that as Council Member White has mentioned, <br />today's hearing was held to hear from individuals about the project. No formal action <br />would be taken today by the Committee. He added that the presenters would be <br />making another presentation at tonight's 7 p.m. Common Council meeting and that the <br />public will have the opportunity to speak in favor, in opposition, and will be able to ask <br />further questions. <br />Council Member Kirsits then adjourned the Committee meeting at 5:17 p.m. <br />