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(1) Give priority to local contractors that have Diversit~Utilization Programs that <br />demonstrate compliance with this ordinance. <br />(2) Local Contractors biddin on City work must submit competitive bids consistent with <br />fair market value estimates. If local bids exceed the estimated fair market value for <br />solicited goods or services (by more than 10% of the fair market value) the City of <br />South Bend Common Council may waive the requirements of this ordinance. <br />(3) To qualify for this preference Small Local Business Enterprises (SLBE) must have an <br />Approved Diversity Utilization Action Plan. SLBE must commit to becoming <br />si natory to Project Labor Agreements that commit to local contracting and labor <br />utilization plans for all construction projects over $2,000,000 dollars. If local bids <br />exceed the estimated fair market value for solicited goods or services (by more than <br />10% of the fair market value) or parties to the Project Labor Agreement refuse to <br />accept reasonable proposals the City of South Bend Common Council may waive the <br />requirements of this ordinance that pertains to Project Labor Agreements . <br />(e) All of the City's construction projects Request for Proposal for professional, <br />Architect & En ing eering`Construction Management or General Contractors, services will <br />be required to include languag` in the City's solicitation that requires the above <br />contractors to demonstrate the effectiveness of their Diversity Utilization Plan. The City <br />recognizes that professional service contract providers are often the most important part <br />of a successfully enforced Diversity Utilization Pro rg am• <br />(f) The City of South Bend understands that pro rams promoting the utilization of local <br />business and local labor ensure reciprocal economic growth within the local region. This <br />activity creates local jobs and expands (income, property and corporate) tax revenues. <br />Sec. 14.5-2. Definitions. <br />As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in <br />this section: <br />(a) ~~~~e-Diversi action means the official program or policy of the City of <br />South Bend as set forth in this chapter and as promulgated pursuant to the <br />directives of this chapter which gives preferential treatment to one or more groups <br />of people who are classified according to race, sex or national origin. <br />(b) ~idavit of Business Diversity Utilization that identifies minority, women and <br />disadvantage business enterprise contractors. The affidavit must state the <br />~ercentag~e of the diversity contractor's participation and the dollar value of their <br />sub-contract award. The Contractors'must demonstrate good faith efforts to <br />achieve the diversitYgoals of 10% minority subcontract award, 5% women <br />subcontract award and 2% Disadvantaged Business subcontract award. <br />