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Community and Economic Development Committee Meeting Minutes <br />January 31, 201 l <br />Page 5 <br />Braboy and had many groups and organizations involved throughout the community. It began as Bill No. <br />103-87 and when passed by the South Bend Common Council by an 8-1 vote it became Ordinance No. <br />7811-87. Council Member Puzzello voted for that ordinance; the Council Attorney was present for the <br />debate and passage; and then Council Member at Large John Voorde was the only person voting in <br />opposition citing concerns over how it would be implemented. It is his hope that the revisions would help <br />facilitate the overall intent of the law for certified disadvantaged business enterprises (DBEs) , minorirty <br />business enterprises (MBEs) and women business enterprises (WBEs). <br />Marvin Crayton suggested that the committee look at Indianapolis, noting that there would be benefits <br />from being able to partner with the state. He further suggested that the process should be more <br />consolidated. <br />Council Member Rouse thanked everyone for their in~ut. He added that originally he had hoped to hold <br />the next Committee meeting on Monday, February 7t . However, in light of that being Mayor Luecke's <br />last State of the City Address at a special meeting of the South Bend Common Council, another date will <br />be selected. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee, Council Member Rouse adjourned the <br />Committee meeting at b:02 p.m. <br />Respectfully sub fitted, <br />~ ~ ~ <br />~- <br />Council Member othy A. Rouse, Chairperson <br />Community a conomic Development Committee <br />Attachment <br />