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PARC Committee Meeting Minutes of June 25, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />Update from Council Appointment to the Century Center Board of Managers: <br />Dan Osberger, a Council appointment to the Century Center Board of Managers noted <br />that he was the newest member to the Board. He was appointed by the Council in <br />August of 2006. He then highlighted activities since his term began, noting that: <br />• October 3, 2006 Global Spectrum made a presentation to the Board <br />• January, 2007 Letter of Understanding entered into with Global Spectrum <br />• February, 2007 Global Spectrum, as the management company informed that <br />all former employees of Century Center would become Giobal Spectrum <br />employees; that City's Human Resources has assisted with the transition <br />• Global Spectrum has a three (3} year contract with an additional two (2) 1-year <br />contract opportunities <br />• Global Spectrum will be paid a management fee plus an incentive fee based on <br />revenue growth up to 100% of the management fee <br />• April, 2007 Kurt Brown became the General Manager; he formerly was the <br />Kansas City Convention Center Manager <br />• Challenges include budgets and revenues; broadening marketing to be more <br />regional and national in scope <br />• He serves on the Marketing Committee and the Executive Committee <br />Century Center Board of Managers is only required to meet quarterly under their <br />by-laws <br />In response to questions from Council Member White, Mr. Osberger stated that five (5) <br />employees have been impacted; with the concern being those who were close to be <br />vested with regard to their retirement benefits since Global Spectrum used a 401 <br />deferred compensation program. <br />City Controller Fanello stated that only four (4) employees were close to being vested <br />with PERF and all are still on the city payroll until that occurs. Once they individually <br />become vested they will become Global Spectrum employees. She Hated #hat ten (10} <br />years of service is needed to be vested. 1t was also noted that new conferences and <br />vendors are being targeted to get a broader audience; with a tiered schedule being in <br />place regarding the performance incentives. <br />In response to questions from Council President Rouse, Ms. Fanello stated that their <br />performance is being r~sl4ed and that monthly financial documents are being sent to her <br />office. ~ ~°'~ `~ <br />Council Member Puzzello thanked everyone for their updates and then adjourned the <br />meeting at 3:41 p.m. <br />R ctfully s fitted, <br />u em er An zzello, Chairperson <br />PARC Committee Attachments <br />