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Council Rules Gammittee <br />May 28, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />Council Member White stated that she believes that it is very important to have citizen <br />members on the Council's Standing Committees. She added that she would be <br />interested in bringing ail citizen appointment together and developing educational <br />forums so that there are discussions on their specific roles and responsibilities. <br />Council President Rouse noted that the Council relies heavily on the Office of the City <br />Clerk with regard to making sure that all citizen members are properly sworn in and <br />have the necessary documents on record. He suggested that perhaps the Clerk's <br />Office should provide copies of the Conflict of Interest statute along with the form at the <br />time of their swearing in to each citizen member. <br />Council Member Dieter noted that both he and Council Member Kirsits file the <br />necessary conflict of interest forms each year in light of their positions on the police and <br />fire departments. <br />Miscellaneous Business: <br />Under miscellaneous business, Council President Rouse noted that in light of the new <br />state law amending the Open Door and Access to Public Records which takes effect on <br />July 1, 2007, that he would be formally withdrawing the pending bill addressing proxy <br />voting procedures. <br />Council Member Ann Puzzello circulated a letter from Daniel F. Osberger dated May 21, <br />2007 (copy attached) and voiced concern. He is a Council appointment to the Century <br />Center Board of Managers whose appointment expires on February '1, 2009. <br />The Council Attorney quoted the following language from South Bend Municipal Code <br />Sec. 2-1.3, paragraph (h): <br />"All citizen appointment shall agree as a qualification for appointment <br />that he or she shall verbally report to the appropriate Council Committee <br />and/or to the Common Council under Special Business at least <br />once per calendar year with an overview of the items handled through <br />the committee, commission, or other agency on which he or she participates...." <br />Council President Rouse and Member Puzzello requested the Council Attorney to write <br />to Mr. Osberger and inform him of these responsibilities under the South Bend <br />Municipal Code. <br />