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Health and Public Safety Committee <br />April 18, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />Council Member White then called upon the Public Works Director for his comments on <br />the proposed regulations. <br />Public Works Director Gary Gilat noted that his office is located on the 13th Floor of the <br />Counfiy-City Building, and that he and City Engineer Carl Littrell appreciate the <br />opportunity to address the Council. <br />Mr. Gilot stated that Council Member White requested detailed data and maps on many <br />parking issues. He sees that information as being beneficial wi#h regard to public right- <br />of-way issues; mobility issues and parking access issues. He noted that a secondary <br />use of public streets is parking. Supply and demand of parking is becoming an <br />increasing challenge in many areas of the city. He noted that with regard to programs <br />such as shared parking and pilot parking, that discussion needs to take place an how <br />much of the costs should be private and how much of the casts may be public. Sound <br />public policies need to be developed, and the proposed ordinance would permit that <br />dialogue to take place. He Hated that a common area maintenance fee as well as CED <br />programs need to be discussed. <br />In response to questions from Council Member White, Mr. Gilot stated that the Common <br />Council has done a very good job in asking for relevant data and material on this topic. <br />He stated that his department is still analyzing "pressure paints". He Hated that his <br />department has studied parking from a maintenance perspective such as street <br />sweeping, snow removal, etc. They have struggled with alternate parking cancep#s and <br />haw best #o address the needs of the disabled and their parking needs. He suggested <br />that the City needs to look creatively and should use and consider maintenance <br />agreements. <br />In response to inquiries from Council Member Kirsits, Mr. Gilot stated that pocket <br />parking lots may utilize vacant lots in areas where the parking demand exceeds the <br />current space on city streets; and that such lots would have landscaping and lighting. <br />City Engineer Carl Littrell noted that information had been sent earlier to Council <br />Member White in response to her request for information. He then summarized a series <br />of large maps depicting parking throughout the city. He noted that seldom are <br />residential streets 30' wide or wider. He noted that one (1) map attempts to light the <br />analysis of taking each residential parcel and divide it by the parking restrictions in that <br />area as an attempt to show "hat spots". He questioned whether that analysis was <br />particularly useful in its current form, but represents a beginning point for discussion. <br />He stated that the City and the public need to know where the parking problems are, <br />and also needs to determine what is causing those problems. Mr. Littrell stated that the <br />Public Works Department needs to evaluate whether any new curb cuts are needed <br />based on the specific factual situation in each area. <br />