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Personnel and Finance Committee <br />2007 South Bend Common Council <br />The March 12, 2007 meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee of the <br />South Bend Common Council was called to order by its Vice-Chairperson, Dr. <br />David Varner at 4:00 p.m. in the Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Kelly, Varner, Kuspa, Kirsits, <br />Rouse, Dieter, White and Puzzello; Citizen Member Diana Hess, Mayor Stephen <br />J. Luecke, Martha Lewis, Bernie Feeney, Chuck Clark, City Clerk John Voorde, <br />Jamie Loo of the South Bend Tribune and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council <br />Attorney. <br />Dr. Varner noted that the Committee Members present included Council Member <br />Kuspa, Kirsits, and himself and that the Chairperson, Council Member Pfeifer <br />was in route to the meeting. He then introduced the Citizen Member of the <br />Committee, Diana Hess. <br />Bill No, 07-43 Scrap MetallJunk ©ealers Licenses for 2007 <br />Dr. Varner called for a presentation on Bill No. 07-43 which is a request to <br />approve the license requests of Concrete Recycling Center and A-~ Auto Parts <br />(copy attached). <br />Charles E, Clark, the License Auditor for the City made the formal presentation. <br />He noted that the two (2) businesses seeking renewal applications received <br />favorable recommendations from five (5} city offices, namely the Police <br />Department, Fire Inspection Bureau, Water Works, Department of Code <br />Enforcement and the Building Department. <br />Council Member Kuspa made a motion, seconded by Council Member Pfeifer <br />who joined the meeting that Bill No. 07-43 be recommended favorably to Council. <br />The motion passed. <br />Miscellaneous Business: <br />Council Member Pfeifer noted that the Council Attorney prepared a summary of <br />items from the Saturday Personnel and Finance Committee meeting which lists <br />areas where various Council Members requested additional information from the <br />Administration (copy attached). She then reviewed the summary. <br />Council President Rouse suggested adding the Vacant & Abandoned Home <br />initiative. <br />