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2010 Health and Public Safety Committee Annual Report <br />December 8, 2010 <br />Page 2 <br />Committee 2010 Organizational Meeting <br />The Health & Public Safety Committee held an organizational meeting on March 13, 2010, to <br />outline the committee's agenda as well as to ascertain priorities for the current year. The <br />following are concerns/activities that the committee determined it would review. <br />1. Review of Quality of Life Ordinances Summary <br />a. Update on enforcement and funds collected for violations for 2008/2009 <br />b. Update regarding impact cell phone ban when driving <br />2. Review of current issues <br />a. Proposed timelines for the following issues: <br />i. Snow removal Ordinance <br />ii. Amending Taxicabs Ordinance <br />b. Fee Ordinance for SBFD (Proposed effective date -July 1, 2010) <br />c. Open Burning Ordinance <br />3. Proposed New Committee Items <br />a. Police Towing Proposal <br />b. Fees for drug vehicle seized <br />c. Improving transparency of ordinance implementation <br />i. Posting on the city websites of new regulation/monthly updates to City <br />Clerk <br />d. Prioritization of 2010 Committee Calendar <br />Special Meetings <br />1. Proposed Rezoning -South Bend Animal Care & Control Shelter <br />2. Taxi Ordinance <br />Summary of 2011 Committee Activities: <br />Public safety concerns seem to always generate many topics warranting meetings of the Health <br />& Public Committee. I believe it is imperative to review the progress we have made on the <br />many quality of life issues in our city. Concerns over graffiti, grass cutting, and updating some <br />of the many city regulations on snow removal, massage establishments, taxicabs, are just some <br />of the continuing issues having health and public safety overtones. Improving implementation <br />procedures, as well as enforcement with enhanced training and educational efforts, have been <br />key items which warrant greater transparency and cooperation. This year, some of the topics <br />reviewed included: <br />Discussion of the Committee's goals and priorities <br />Discussion of the City Administration's recommendations toamend the City's current <br />taxicab regulations <br />