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Chairperson Rouse moved to Council questions, Ann Puzzello was told that as yet the county <br />had not been contacted about the 61-10 approach. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis was told "phase-in" petitioners could receive additional benefits by <br />locating in certain target areas to be determined by the Council. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis expressed a range of concerns including a more direct, benefit for <br />hiring South Bend residents. He also felt downtown small businesses did not get adequate <br />support from the Chamber or the City. <br />Responding, McMahon cautioned that the 61-10 phase-in bill was not a panacea; but one of <br />many ways to help small business. Bill No. 61-10 sole focus was to incent investment by a tax <br />phase-in. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis maintained more needs to be done for existing businesses. <br />Jeff Rea said the Chamber's mission was to educate and assist entrepreneurial efforts and to <br />help formulate good public policy. <br />Councilmember Varner made the point that the large sizes of TIF areas already provide location <br />incentives now needed in other non-TIF areas. <br />Chairperson Rouse then provided Marti Wolfson an opportunity to comment. Wolfson is the <br />spokesperson for the Coalition for Responsible Tax Abatement made up of representatives of 16 <br />organizations with a vested interest in the discussion of appropriate abatement policy. This <br />coalition he indicated supports an abatement approach supported by the Mayor who has offered <br />Bill No. 25-10 for an alternative abatement policy. Marti Wolfson said Bill No. 25-10 is built on <br />more social justice criteria trying eligibility for abatement to wages, affirmative action, and location <br />in distressed areas. He felt Bill No. 61-10 lacked a monitoring process creating an enforcement <br />dilemma and also compromises the Council's priorities. He felt Bill No. 61-10, as proposed, does <br />not provide the council any leverage or assurance their policy goals are reflected in the process. <br />McMahon said Bill No. 61-10 indeed had an annual monitoring requirement in its benefit <br />application. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee, Chairperson Rouse adjourned <br />the meeting at 6:10 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Timothy A. Rouse, airperson <br />Community an onomic Development Committee <br />