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Substitute Bill No. 46-10 and Bill No. 10-57 both contingent on the passage of Bill No. 10-59 <br />could not move forward were continued to November 8, as well. <br />Bill No. 10-60 -Chairperson Kirsits asked Michael Divita to walk the Council through the fiscal <br />plan for the Stadium Place Annexation Area. In the brief discussion that followed two significant <br />points were made. Councilmember Dieter again stated police beat coverage was too thin <br />basically becoming dangerously inadequate. Councilmember Rouse said the City should have <br />an overall strategic plan for annexations. Such a plan should include a shared vision and a <br />realistic timeline. The present apparently piecemeal approach would not do. Ultimately, <br />Councilmember Varner finding no objection to this particular objection to this fiscal plan moved <br />the bill go to Council favorably. Councilmember LaFountain seconded the motion and all <br />affirmed. <br />Bill No. 47-10 Chairperson Kirsits accepted a motion from Oliver Davis seconded by <br />Councilmember Varner to accept the substitute Bill No. 47-10. All approved. Derek Spier from <br />the Area Plan Commission staff recounted their process noting while the Commission had some <br />concerns about adequate parking it nonetheless gave it a favorable recommendation. Mike <br />Danch representing the petitioners said the approval to annex would result in consistent zoning <br />for the project. Councilmember Puzzello wanted assurance that the number of students allowed <br />to live in the units would be controlled by the Planned Unit Development criteria (PUD) Danch <br />rallied that concern. <br />On a motion by Councilmember LaFountain seconded by Councilmember Varner and supported <br />by all the bill was sent to Council favorably for final action on November 8, 2010. <br />Bill No. 10-55 This Bill would allow the construction of a garage with separate living quarters. <br />Mark Lyons from the BZA reported a favorable referral to Council so long as the SF-1 restrictions <br />continued to apply. The petitioner Joe Crimmins agreed to the condition Oliver Davis moved the <br />exception be granted subject o the BZA restriction. Councilmember Varner seconded and all <br />agreed to the favorable recommendation. <br />Bill No. 10-56 This bill would allow an exception to the 50% restriction on outdoor storage raising <br />it to 75%. Mark Lyons reported that the BZA had forwarded the bill with no recommendation. <br />Attorney John Lloyd representing the petitioner recounted how the petitioners had met with <br />concerned owners of adjacent property and had been able to agree on a "go ahead" for the <br />project. Rich Deahl, an attorney for the adjacent property owner confirmed the agreement as did <br />the owner Ann Lacay. Based upon that, Oliver Davis motioned for a favorable recommendation <br />with commitments. Varner followed and all supported. <br />There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, Chairperson Kirsits <br />adjourned the meeting at 5:50 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />,~ <br />AI "Buddy" Kirsits, Chairperson <br />Zoning and Annexation Committee <br />