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256 <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />Fire Chief Andrzejewski requested permission to send three men to the Indiana <br />Fire School on the 13th and 14th days of June, 1956. Those men going are Battalion <br />Chief Carl Lederrer, Joe Daley, and Edward Powers. <br />Applications for the Fire Department were examined and placed on file for <br />George Lewis Kovacs, John Eugene_Vukovits, and Frank Peter Kuzmits. <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />Officer Chrapliwy requested permission to be excused from regular Police <br />Duty to attend summer training at Camp McCoy Wisconsin Oeginning July 7th to July <br />22nd, inclusive. Request granted. <br />Officer N. Esary requested permission to be excused from regular Police Duty <br />to attend Military Training at Camp McCoy Wisconsin during the period of May 31, <br />1956 to June 179 inclusive. Permission granted. <br />Applications for the Police Department were examined and placed on file for <br />Robert John Urban and John Steve Orisich. <br />ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT <br />Ira Hunsberger, Superintendent of the Electrical Department, is hereby directed <br />to issue an order for 9 1000 lumen lights at the Bendix Corporation at $2.00 each <br />for a total of $18.00 dionthly. <br />The monthly report for May, submitted to the Board by Bert S. Cichowicz for <br />the Weights & Measures Department was accepted and placed on file. <br />The time now being 10:30 A.M. (DST) it was so announced and the bids for the <br />Health Department were opened. Proof of publication in the South Bend Tribune with <br />an affidavit signed by C. G. Livengood and in the Record with an affidavit - signed <br />by W. DeCanio was submitted to the Board and found sufficient. The Bids read as <br />follows: <br />BEN MEDOW, INC. A non - collusion affidavit and a <br />222 North Lafayette Blvd. certified check in the amount of <br />South Bend, Indiana $440.00 accompanied the bid. <br />3 1956 Plymouth 2 Door Coupes <br />Total .................. $4327.50 <br />SCHERMAN_SCHAUS- FREEMAN A non - collusion affidavit and a <br />520 South Lafayette St. certified check in the amount of <br />South Bend, Indiana $448.00 accompanied the bid. <br />3 1956 Studebakdr Champion 2 -Door Sedanets <br />Total ................... $49471.40 <br />L. 0. GATES CHEVROLET CORP. A non- collusion affidavit and a <br />Western Avenue certified check in the amount of <br />SouthBend, Indiana $399.00 accompanied the bid. <br />3 1956 Chevrolets Model 1512 Utility Sedans <br />Total ........................ $3990.00 <br />The bids were taken under advisement, and the contract will be awarded at the next <br />regular meeting on Monday, June 11, 1956. <br />There: being no OD),#7 er business to come before the Board the meeting was ad- <br />journed--a4 1;0:50 A.M. <br />Clerk _ _ cnairman <br />