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Rich Deahl, Attorney for the petitioner began a rather detailed presentation of the project itself, <br />the character and commitment of the petitioners, the location, and 11 additional commitments <br />incorporated into a second substitute bill. The agreed to accommodations were devised from <br />objections heard at the BZA hearing, from meetings with neighbors and from a bus trip for <br />interested parties to see a similar operation in Toledo. <br />Mark Lyons from the Building Department described the BZA hearing noting the Council had 60 <br />days from the August 4, 2010 BZA determination to take their own vote. A rejection by the <br />Council would kill the petition. A vote in favor would ratify the BZA ruling and no vote in the time <br />period would mean the BZA ruling prevails. <br />Rich Deahl summed up his presentation introducing the petitioners, the Schlipps, and describing <br />their positive efforts beyond the necessary to be good neighbors. <br />Opening to Council questions, Council President Derek Dieter asked about noise and traffic. Tim <br />Rouse asked whether the Schlipp's have operated other facilities. Councilmember Oliver Davis <br />asked about the enforceability of commitments and Councilmember Kirsits asked about possible <br />contaminants. Councilmember Henry Davis asked about the facilities economic impact in terms <br />of jobs, payroll, and taxes. <br />Randy Schlipp, Gary Gilot and Rich Deahl, all supplied answers and assurances to questions. <br />Turning to the public in favor, Kirsits recognized Sal Gerschoffer who resides in the area and <br />spoke in favor. Gary Gilot recounted his visit to the Dayton facility comparing South Bend's <br />proposed site favorably. <br />Councilmember LaFountain asked about the amount and route of truck traffic. <br />Nearby residents speaking against raised questions about, noise, pollution, decreased property <br />values, truck traffic, safety concerns, and hollow promises. <br />Gay Gilot, Director of Public Works, spoke in favor of the proposal suggesting 3 more <br />commitments be added to the resolution. Namely, trucks prohibited from going north on <br />Gertrude, an acoustic fence and berm be incorporated into the plan. And that the operation <br />include fire and vibration control. The petitioners agreed to all 14 points hopefully covering every <br />contingency. <br />In summing up Councilmember Oliver Davis, 6th District said that 4 criteria for granting an <br />exception had not been met. Councilmember Varner said a more remove area would be better. <br />Councilmember Varner motioned the bill go the Council unfavorably. Councilmember Oliver <br />Davis seconded. Chairperson Kirsits called the question and it was defeated. <br />Chairperson Kirsits then wrapping up the hearing said he believed the proposal was the best use <br />for the area. Councilmember LaFountain agreed. <br />Chairperson Kirsits moved the bill be sent to full Council with no recommendation. <br />Councilmember Varner seconded and all affirmed. <br />