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this self-funding, county-shared department to remain self-funded? After Chuck's <br />summary Councilmember Rouse asked if the seven inspectors in the department were all <br />necessary give the sluggish economy and sharp drop-off in construction activity. Bulot <br />responded saying each inspector with their own area of expertise were plenty busy <br />though no new hires were anticipated if business permits increased. <br />Dennis Andres, Director of the Morris and the Palais was next. <br />His 12 slide power point for the Morns noted the year 2010 was the tenth year since its <br />makeover and 10th consecutive year of both cultural and financial success. Dennis cited <br />numerous accomplishments and awards most notably being ranked 41St in the country of <br />100 such venues. This ranking translates to 50th in the world. In response to Derek <br />Dieter's question asking Dennis what he most needs to continue this success, Dennis said <br />about 350 or 400 adjacent parking spaces. In other words, an adjacent parking garage. In <br />terms of staff Dennis said he could use another marketer and a full time house manager. <br />Tim Rouse spoke to the importance of the Morris and Palais as an economic magnet. <br />Thanking him, Dennis recounted that very sentiment expressed by Notre Dame President <br />Father Jenkins who has made that very point. Jenkins underlined the importance of <br />culture locally in recruiting professors and university staff to live and work in South <br />Bend. Dennis spoke to the synergy created in downtown activity by having both the <br />Palais and the Morris doing well. <br />Economic Development Director Jeff Gibney was up next to present both the Community <br />and Economic Development efforts he directs. <br />Jeff began by thanking the Council for their continued support especially for support <br />acquisition of properties for development. His power point focused first on the $50+ <br />million Kroc Center which he feels will make significant contributions toward educating <br />those youth in most need. Also rather proudly spoken of were the Center for Latino <br />Studies, the Civil Rights Center and job training through Project Impact all in <br />development. Jeff also briefly talked of the need for and consequent effort to do strategic <br />planning for neighborhoods. He did though say there was little money for <br />neighborhoods. <br />Council questions followed. Henry Davis wondered what was being done to encourage <br />private investment and job creation. Where are the benchmarks? What is being done to <br />foster tax-paying entities? <br />Taking exception to the inference that nothing or at least not enough was being done, Jeff <br />noted Memorial Hospital generated over $4 million in taxes in their medical TIF. Eddy <br />Commons development was creating both taxes and jobs. <br />Not satisfied, Councilmember Henry Davis asked where the new employers were. Where <br />other than ND is the growth? <br />