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Bill No. 33-10 <br />A substitute version of this bill was accepted after a motion by Councilmember Oliver Davis. A <br />second by David Varner was supported by all. Christa Nayder provided the report from the Area <br />Plan Commission hearing. The Area Plan Commission sent a favorable recommendation subject <br />to four written commitments from the petitioner. Chuck Leone, the petitioner made his <br />presentation to the committee referencing a letter he filed with the City Clerk accepting the <br />requirements. Leone said he met with the nearby residents, heard their concerns and modified <br />his proposal accordingly. If approved the church would relocate to make room for four condos. <br />Concerns were primarily possible student housing and parking. Don Wheeler pastor of the <br />church who was a part of the meetings with the neighbors was present for support and questions. <br />Both Councilmember's White and Kirsits expressed appreciation for the accommodations asked <br />by neighbors and accepted by Leone. <br />After a few other questions Chairperson Kirsits moved to send the bill to full Council favorably. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis followed with a second supported by all. <br />Bill No. 10-35 <br />This special exception if granted would allow a dining bar (gastro pub) to be located in an area <br />where three other businesses serving alcohol currently do business. <br />Mark Lyons, from the Building Department reported the bill was sent to Council from the BZA with <br />a favorable recommendation Mark McDonald the proposed tenant and Don Schefineyer owner of <br />the property, both participated in the presentation. They noted they too met with surrounding <br />neighbors to discuss the proposals impact on the area. Councilmember's White and Henry Davis <br />both expressed concerns about parking, nearby residents and businesses were present to offer <br />support. Only Zion continued to express reservations about parking and possible negative <br />damage to the area. In support testifying were Mayor Luecke, Jeff Gibney, Tim Hacker, Marco <br />Mariani, Jitin Kain. Rita Kopala questioned the possible use of Howard Park for parking. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis injected the larger issue of a monitoring parking in the Parks. <br />Councilmember Rouse expressed sensitivity to the fears of the Zion faithful. Councilmember <br />Puzzello expressed support of the proposal. Finally on a motion by Councilmember Varner, <br />seconded by Councilmember Oliver Davis to send favorably with majority support Bill 10-35 was <br />so sent. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee at this time. Chairperson Kirsits <br />adjourned the meeting at 4:20 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />1 Cd Is kuzL <br />Al 0 & I <br />"Buddy" Kirsits, Chairperson <br />Zoning and Annexation Committee