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R R~~~ ~I' <br />hrx7~w~ M - ~ . _ <br />~ ~.7r ~ <br />UTILITIES COMMITTEE JUNE 28, 2010 <br />The June 28, 2010 meeting of the Utilities Committee of the South Bend Common Council was <br />called to order by its Chairperson Council Member Oliver Davis at 4:24 p.m., in the Informal <br />Meeting Room, 4~h Floor County-City Building, 227 W. Jefferson Blvd., South Bend, Indiana <br />Committee Members Present: Oliver Davis, Chairperson, Ann Puzzello, <br />Tom LaFountain, AI "Buddy" Kirsits <br />Other Council Members Present: Derek D. Dieter, Henry Davis, David Varner, Timothy <br />Rouse, Karen White <br />Others Present: Mikki Dobski, Dennis Andres, Don Inks, Beth Leonard, <br />Tom Price, Jack Dillon, Gary Gilot, Mayor Luecke, Jeff <br />Parrott, Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Aladean DeRose, <br />Rita Kopala, Marty Wolfson. <br />Agenda: Bill No. 26-10 -Sewer Rates <br />Chairperson Oliver Davis chairing a full Utilities Committee began by asking an approval from the <br />committee to hear the substitute version of Bill No. 26-10, Councilmember Kirsits so moved. <br />Councilmember Puzzello seconded. All approved. The bill to raise sewer rates through year <br />2013 was presented by Gary Gilot. With the help of several handouts (attached) Gary explained <br />the rationale for the increases. The bill was to continue funding the work to separate storm and <br />sanitary sewers as required by the EPA. The three factors compelling an increase were concerns <br />for public health, river water quality and evidence of a consistent commitment to a work plan <br />scrutinized by the EPA. Gary said it was in the city's best interests to invest in solutions and not <br />get into an adversarial posture with the EPA. The Mayor then explained that 3 rate approaches <br />were considered with the once that balances progress with the pain of an increase as the one put <br />forward. To lessen the increase he pledged $10 million dollars of EDIT funds to help keep rates <br />affordable. Councilmember Varner asked if the city had an actual mandate from EPA to move <br />ahead or not? Jack Dillon, Superintendent of the Waste Water Treatment Plant said the city had <br />an "effective mandate" just short of actual language from a consent decree. Gary Gilot said the <br />mandate was the Clean Water Act of 1970. Councilmember Varner countered saying he wanted <br />to see a mandate in writing. He wondered if there were compliance choices? Different <br />acceptable timelines? He also felt the Council was kept out of the rate formulation process. <br />The Mayor responded saying the city was merely proposing a continuation of the work started 4 <br />years ago. The rate increase was a reasonable pragmatic approach to the required task. <br />On a motion by Councilmember Puzzello to move the bill ahead favorably, seconded by <br />Councilmember Kirsits and fully supported by the committee the substitute bill was sent on. <br />There being no further business to come before the committee at this time, Chairperson Oliver <br />Davis adjourned the Committee at 5:00 p.m. <br />