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`°"" `"° Utilities Committee <br />2010 South Bend Common Council <br />The July 12, 2010 meeting of the Utilities Committee was called to order by its Vice-Chairperson, <br />Council Member Al "Buddy" Kirsits at 4:20 p.m. in the Council Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Dieter, Puzzello, Varner, Henry Davis, Jr., Rouse, <br />Kirsits and White; Mayor Stephen J. Luecke, Public Works Director Gary Gilot, P. E., Catherine <br />Pittman, Marty Wolfson, Greg Zientara, Rita Kopola,. Jack Dillon, and Council Attorney Kathleen <br />Cekanski-Farrand. <br />Council Member Kirsits noted that the Committee consists of Council Members Puzzello, <br />LaFountain, Council Member Oliver Davis who is the Chairperson, and himself. In light of the <br />absence of Council Members LaFountain and Davis a quorum of the Committee is not present, <br />therefore all Bills will be heard and sent without recommendation. <br />Bill No. 34-10 Loss Recovery Fund Appropriation Request: <br />Council Member Kirsits called for a presentation on Bill No. 34-10 to appropriate $75,000 from the <br />Loss Recovery Fund, Fund # 227. <br />Public Works Director Gary Gilot, P.E., made the formal presentation. He noted that arsenic has <br />been found in the groundwater. The proposed appropriation of $75,000 would pay for an <br />engineering study to address the levels of arsenic in backwash water in the water filtration plants. <br />He stressed that the levels are NOT a threat to human life. <br />In response to a question from Dr. Varner. Dr. Dillon stated that the bio-solids are diluted and <br />spread on agriculture fields. EPA requires reviews of the source of such arsenic. He added that <br />revisions to our local ordinance will be forthcoming. <br />In response to a question from Council White, Mr. Gilot stated that this will be the first of its kind <br />study for the city. He stated that six (6) firms qualified to make an offer of their services, with the <br />engineering firm selected being from with Wisconsin or Minnesota. <br />Council Member White requested that a copy of the engineering study be filed so that the Council <br />has the opportunity to review it. <br />In response to a question from Council Member Henry Davis, Jr., Mr. Gilot stated that they did not <br />seek out an academic partnership, since they did not want a theoretical study but rather acost- <br />effective study which was results oriented. <br />Council Member Kirsits stated that the Bill would be sent to the Council without recommendation. <br />