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~~nin~ ar~d Annexation C~mrnittee <br />gage <br />their cnnversticr~s. Bath brothers ~rark long hours in a local plant and that "this is their <br />dream-tn run and on their own restaurant'#, The request is for aff-street parking for <br />their 7~-seat restaurant, That' ~vill do all Headed improvements. <br />In response to a question from council Member Pu~~ello, Mr. braves Mated that his <br />clients understand that ail required paving and screening requirements roust be net. <br />lie stated that his clients paid cash for the property and that their restaurant vuill be a <br />far~ily Mexican restaurant. <br />council Member Pfeifer Mated that she hopes the venture will be a success, She <br />voiced concern however ~nrhether the clients fully understood all of the conditions, in <br />light of their inability to speak English, <br />Mr, Groves stated that their relative translated all of their conversations, and that he <br />also speaks Spanish, lie stated that he r~nuld bring this lady tc tonight's Council <br />meeting, <br />council Member i"Cuspa stated that this "corner is a dead corner", and he vueloorr~e the <br />investment the petitioners are making to the neighborhood. <br />Dr~ darner stated that he ~velcon~e the private investrent. <br />Council Member l'Cirstis stated that he ton ~vlcomes the improvements Which the <br />Petitioners vuill be raking, <br />~olla~ving discussion, fir, Varner made a motion, seconded by auncil Member l~usp <br />that Sill No, ~~-g be recommended favorably to Council, The motion passed <br />There being nv further business to come before the Cormittee, Council Member I~irsits <br />adjourned the meeting at :4g p.m. <br />7 <br />~ ~~ ~ ~ <br />Respectfully subrr~itted, ~ ~ ~ . <br />Council Member Al "buddy" l~irsits, hairperscn ~ <br />Zoning ar~d Annexation Commi~ee <br />Attachments <br />Zoning aid ~Innexa~~o~ Co~mmlee Meet~r~~ <br />