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Health and Publ~~ Safety Committee <br />~a~7 so~t~ ~e~d a~n~n~n ~o~nc~l <br />_- <br />The October , ~Ol~~ meeting of the Health and Public safety Car~nittee of the South <br />Bend Common Council was called to order by its hairpersan, Council Member l~aren <br />L.11Vhite at 3:03 p,rn, in the auncil Chambers, <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Dieter, Pfeifer, Puz~ella, Varner, <br />Rouse, and 'Ullhite; iti~en Member Parela Brunette, Citizen Member Deborah <br />Fleming, Mayor Stephen~J. Lueke, Police Chief Thaas Fautz, Assistant City Attorney <br />Thomas Bodnar, Board of Public Safety Member Juanita Den~~sey, Detective Sgt. <br />Eugene Eyster, Sgt Jinn ~Ilalsh, NAACP President Trina Robinson, Janes Evans, Mrs, <br />Rita ~apala, Jamie Loa of the au~#~ e~rd Tribe and l~athleen Cekanski-Farrand, <br />Council Attorney. <br />Council Member 11Uhite Hated that the Committee Members include Council Members <br />Pu~zello, ~Celly, Dieter and herself; and that Pamela Brunette and Deborah Fleming <br />serve a Citizen l~llen~bers, <br />B~~I IVv~ ~-~l Pry aced rea~ion ~f a Police ~ramot~or~ Pagel; <br />Council Member IlUhite noted that the purpose of today's Health and Public Safety <br />Committee ups to begin discussion of Biil No~ ~~-07. She Hated that this meeting eras <br />called on a Ulledneday to allavtir ample opportunity for reviev~r and discussion, Council <br />Member ~1lhite stated that the ground rules governing today's meeting uvould be as <br />folla~rs; <br />• Presenters of Bill Ne, ~~-07 could give background information and ~valk thru the <br />proposed ordinance <br />• Public con~r~nts to the presentation and the bill <br />• Council Members mould have the oppartunityfor camnent and question <br />Setting of another Committee meeting <br />Council Men~berV~hite then asked for a formal presentation on Bill No, 47~0~. <br />Assistant City Attorney Thomas Bodnar Hating that he has been advising the police and <br />fire departments for several years, H stated that in the ~ g~Of the city tried to <br />implement a police promotion system. It utiras later found unconstitutional based on IC <br />3fi-~~,~ Since that decision eras handed dav~n police pran~otian have been handed <br />on a ~#state of nature" basis <br />Mr. Bodnar stated that aver the past 5 years or more during labor-management <br />meetings andlar during police negotiations, one of the constant undertones has been <br />