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Councilmember Davis asked if any effort was made to notify neighbors of the plans. He felt they <br />should not be left in the dark, even if notification required knocking on doors. Ultimately he felt <br />whatever the planning and communication efforts were, they were inadequate. <br />Larry Cimparone, the public works field inspector assigned to help plan and monitor projects <br />disagreed. He said the contractor gave 7-day notice to residents using hang tags on houses. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis wondered if 10-day notice was the standard for liability concerns. <br />At this point Chairperson White wanted to allow citizen input. However, Valerie Schey, the citizen <br />member at the table raised her hand for recognition and proceeded to try to ask a question. <br />Chairperson White did not recognize her, stopped her question, wanting to proceed to citizen <br />input. Valerie persisted, Councilmember Rouse said the committee was governed by Robert's <br />Rules and she was out of order not being recognized by the Chairperson. Apparently annoyed, <br />Valerie asked Mr. Rouse if he disrespected her or had a problem with all women. Valerie claimed <br />she felt this disrespect from Mr. Rouse repeatedly in the past. Councilmember Rouse insisted <br />Robert's Rules prevail. Chairperson White intervened insisting mutual respect and courtesy in <br />public forums had always and should continue to be maintained. Chairperson White then moved <br />to the citizen portion. <br />Steve McDaniel of 2509 Prast complained of a blocked alley.'';David White of 2514 Prast had a <br />litany of complaints from lack of common sense in planning to lack of concern for residents <br />opinions. <br />Ken Leszcz of 2529 Prast also had a list of issues from condition of the alleys to lack of nearby <br />parking. <br />Robert Reese of 2506 Prast said a 118' section of asphalt in front of his and 3 other homes is in <br />bad repair as well as having buried curbs. <br />Turning back to the Council, Chairperson White said she takes responding to citizens concerns <br />adequately very seriously. She would press the city for a response. <br />Councilmember Rouse raised the possibility of communicating through neighborhood <br />organizations to improve awareness. <br />Valerie Schey now allowed to ask a question, wondered if there were public hearings before <br />major projects. Gary Gilot responded saying there were 3 hearings 2 at Kennedy School and 1 at <br />the library. <br />Councilmember Henry Davis said the 2"d meeting must have been a "ghost meeting." Gary said <br />he could supply sign-in sheets. <br />Hearing Gary say the project would last most of the year, Henry suggested the overall plan <br />needed revision to take citizen's concerns into account. <br />Councilmember Rouse felt curb work was not uniform from area to area, especially in CSO areas. <br />Gary Gilot said this was not true. The ability of the City to do work was dependent upon the <br />dollars available. White new curbs and driveway approaches everywhere would be nice, it was <br />not cost effective. He added that trying to respond to neighborhood concerns had already added <br />$500,000 to the project. Gary suggested Henry ask the Mayor for an appropriation to resurrect <br />the 50/50 cost share plan. <br />