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be awarded points for this practice. The Mayor sees this as an important distinction from <br />the Council bill which requires common construction wages. Not wanting to discuss <br />details at this point, he said he would provide a summary sheet of other point changes. <br />He also deferred describing closer enforcement of granted abatements. <br />Marty Wolfson spoke stating the importance of the bill being a statement of community <br />values. <br />Bob Mathia from Community Development submitted a list of 18 points in the bill that <br />needed clarification (attached) <br />The Mayor then acknowledged the need to review fees the city charges to review the <br />application. <br />Chairperson Rouse then recognized Phil Newbold, the Chair of Project Future's Board of <br />Directors. He asked for a delay of 60 days to craft a bill that would be a welcome mat for <br />business while upholding community values. <br />The Chamber of Commerce President, Paul Cafiero, said the 60 days were needed to <br />encourage input from the Chamber. This position was reflected in a letter saying such. <br />The letter was filed with the Clerk. <br />The Chairman asked Council for comment Councilmember Puzzello urged Council <br />input in discussions and supported the request fora 60 day pause. President Dieter and <br />Councilmember Varner supported the delay as well. Councilmember Varner added that <br />the bill should be an incentive and kept simple. Councilmember Henry Davis said the <br />entire economic development strategy should be reviewed to find an approach that will <br />produce results. Councilmember White agreed that more time was needed to solicit input <br />and find common ground. Speaking for himself, Chairperson Rouse said he was <br />surprised the bill was filed without input from all sectors. He feels the bill should be a <br />good tool for economic development practitioners not a hurdle to clear. If the bill does <br />not incent development, we will not have a change to sell our community values. The <br />bill must be user friendly and be seen as apro-active, progressive approach to <br />development. Mr. Rouse then asked the Mayor to accede to the 60 day delay request. <br />Kathy Cekanski-Farrand said more time was needed to review the changes from the 2003 <br />bill. <br />Marty Wolfson said more deliberation was ok, but felt no one has been shut out of <br />discussions begun 3 or 4 years ago by Roland Kelly. He said the Mayor started <br />discussions, including disparate opinions from the community, last October. Objections <br />to the recently passed County abatement ordinance were addressed in the process. <br />The Mayor said he was supportive of the request fora 60 day delay suggesting the <br />Council take that action at their meeting on the 14`" <br />