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Zoning and Annexation Committee Meeting <br />2010 South Bend Common Council <br />The June 14, 2010 meeting of the Zoning and Annexation Committee of the South Bend Common <br />Council was called to order by its Chairperson Council Member AI "Buddy" Kirsits at 4:00 p.m. in <br />the Council's Informal Meeting Room, 4t Floor of the County-City Building. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members: Dieter, LaFountain, Puzzello, Varner, Rouse, <br />Kirsits, Oliver Davis and Henry Davis, Jr.; Mayor Stephen Luecke, Rita Kopola, Professor Marty <br />Wolfson, Derek Spier, Jean Dibble and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney, and Jeff <br />Parrott of the South Bend Tribune. <br />Council Member Kirsits noted that the committee members include Council Members Oliver Davis <br />who is the Vice-Chairperson, Dr. Varner, Thomas LaFountain and himself. <br />Substitute Bill No. 18-10 Rezoninct for 220 South Taylor Street <br />Council Member Kirsits called for a report from Area Plan on Substitute Bill No. 18-10. <br />Derek Spier of Area Plan reported that the petitioner is requesting to re-zone the property located <br />at 220 South Taylor from MU Mixed Use District to SF2 Single Family and Two Family District. <br />The petitioner plans to convert the property which had been used as an attorney's office back to <br />residential use. Mr. Spier noted that there were no remonstrators at the May 18th Area Plan <br />Commission meeting. The Area Plan Commission sends the Bill to the Common Council with a <br />favorable recommendation. <br />Jean Dibble, the petitioner, of 220 South Taylor Street, South Bend, Indiana 46601 stated that she <br />is in the process of remodeling the structure and is anxious to make it her home. <br />Council Member Henry Davis, Jr., who represents the area thanked the Petitioner for her <br />commitment to the area and to the City of South Bend. <br />Council Member AI "Buddy" Kirsits also thanked the petitioner for her intentions of returning the <br />property back to a single family home. <br />There was no one from the public to speak in favor or in opposition to the Bill. <br />Council Member Oliver Davis made a motion, seconded by Dr. Varner that Substitute Bill No. 18- <br />10 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />There was no miscellaneous business. <br />Council Member Kirsits then adjourned the meeting at 3:22 p.m. <br />~~- ~ < < <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Council Member AI "Buddy" Kirsits, hairperson <br />Zoning and Annexation Committee <br />Attachments <br />