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Community/Campus Advisory Coalition (CCAC) <br />April 28, 2010 Meeting Minutes <br />Page 2 <br />TRAFFIC SIGNAL <br />It was announced that through the efforts of the University, City and County officials, the <br />traffic signal at Twyckenham and Vaness was installed approximately two weeks ago. <br />Outgoing Student Body President Grant Schmidt was instrumental in bringing the <br />dangers of this intersection to the attention of the Coalition. <br />COMMUNIVERSITY DAY <br />Communiversity Day was recently held with 700 students helping community members <br />with various home improvement tasks and offering activities for children. Marguerite <br />Taylor said the afternoon picnic was well attended. Ann Puzzello said she worked with <br />several students raking in City parks. She found the students to be pleasant and <br />enthusiastic. She said the Parks Department was very appreciative of all their labors. <br />2010-2011 PROJECTS <br />Student representatives said they will again be sending out reminders to incoming and <br />returning students living off-campus to be good neighbors. <br />Student government is interested in having a coupon program with locally owned <br />businesses or perhaps discounts for students showing student id's. Buddy Kirsits <br />commented that in the South Bend Tribune today there is an article about a new <br />director at the Chamber of Commerce. He feels strongly there should be a greater <br />connection of South Bend with Notre Dame. He suggested students might want to <br />contact him. <br />Taxi Ordinance <br />Of priority interest is the passing of a new taxi ordinance and students would like to be <br />involved in this process. Work on this ordinance is on-going and it is hoped that <br />language for the ordinance will be finalized by fall. Ann-Carol Nash had a meeting with <br />the Airport Authority and City Central Services yesterday. New taxi inspection forms <br />have been drafted. Kathy Cekanski-Farrand said the Council is interested in phasing in <br />proactive positive changes with the taxi companies. They do not wish to drive <br />companies out of business by requiring cost prohibitive changes all at once. She said <br />many cities with large universities have instituted a requirement for in-car cameras as a <br />safety precaution for both passengers and drivers. <br />Holy Cross <br />Dan Cochran said Holy Cross security is working with Notre Dame police to improve <br />communications between the two departments. <br />