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re-location of Re-Store. Don Inks and David Relos from the Department of Community <br />and Economic Development said the total approached $600,000. Don Inks went on to <br />say that though not required to adhere to the federal uniform relocation act, a must if <br />federal dollars are used, the city always does so in the interest of fairness whether federal <br />dollars are used or not. <br />Subsequently, a motion by Councilmember Varner followed by a second by Chairperson <br />Al "Buddy" Kirsits-and affirmed by all the bill was sent favorably to Council. <br />Bill No. 10-14 -Special Exception 1939 Charles St. <br />This bill would allow off-site parking in a SF-1 District. The Board of Zoning Appeals <br />as reported by Mark Lyons, reviewed the petitioner, found no objection or remonstrance <br />and sent to Council with a favorable recommendation. Pat Brown and Brian Wynen, the <br />petitioners were present to elaborate and answer questions. <br />On a motion by Councilmember Oliver Davis and a second by Councilmember Varner <br />that all supported the bill was sent to full Council favorably. <br />There being no further business to come before the Council at this time. Chairperson <br />Kirsits adjourned the meeting at 3:35 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />If ~~ \ <br />r <br />U` <br />Al "Buddy" Kirsits, Chairperson <br />Zoning and Annexation Committee <br />