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Community/Campus Advisory Coalition {CCAC} <br />March ifi, 2010 Meeting Minutes <br />Page 3 <br />RENTAL PROPERTIES <br />In response to a recent email sent by neighborhood resident Bill Stenz concerning the <br />condition of certain "Kramer properties", Mark Kramer announced- that the pictured <br />properties were no longer his. Mr. Kramer recently sold 70 of his properties including <br />Notre Dame Apartments. He still owns 75 properties in the Lafayette Square area. A <br />national firm, Campus Housing, purchased the properties, but has not yet named a <br />permanent manager for this area. The firm owns properties across the country in <br />university towns. Mr. Kramer said that he ,has been in discussions with the company <br />and wants them to continue his policies. Students living in the homes Mr. Kramer sold <br />are to call the new owners with problems. Mr. Kramer has let the students know that if <br />they cannot reach the new owners, they should call him and he will either get in touch <br />with the owners or will personally send help to assist them. <br />Mayor Luecke asked if Mr. Kramer will keep security at the properties he still owns and <br />if the new company will still have security at the properties they purchased. Mr. Kramer <br />said he had signed a new two year security contract prior to the sale and he hopes <br />Campus Housing will continue the contract after that. Two police officers are still living <br />at Notre Dame Apartments and that shouldn't change. The officers work different shifts, <br />so at least one squad car is usually present. He believes the security has helped cut <br />down on burglaries. He noted that none of the three reported burglaries that took place <br />over spring break were at his properties. <br />Bill Kirk said he felt bad for Mr. Kramer after Mr. Stenz's email incorrectly described the <br />pictured houses as Kramer properties and was glad that the error was corrected so <br />quickly. It was noted that there have been vast improvements in student/neighbor <br />interactions, but there will still be peaks and valleys. <br />Mr. Kramer said he has always had a good working relationship with Code <br />Enforcement. If a problem is reported to Code they call Mr. Kramer and advise him of <br />the situation. He in turn contacts the students and gives them a short time to correct the <br />problem. ~ If it is not taken care of in a reasonable length of time, Mr. Kramer will send <br />his maintenance crew out and the student(s) will be billed. He plans to give Code <br />Enforcement an updated list of his properties so that this practice can continue. <br />As soon as a permanent manager for Campus Housing is named, he/she will be invited <br />to take part in any future CCAC meetings. Bill Kirk said he would like to see owners of <br />footba(I weekend rentals attend future meetings as well. Mark Kramer said he knew <br />some of the owners and would see if they would be interested in attending. <br />