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-~~v ^I, I <br />~~.-. -" UTILITIES COMMITTEE MARCH 22, 2010 <br />Committee Members Present: Oliver Davis, Chairperson, Ann Puzzello, <br />Tom LaFountain, AI "Buddy" Kirsits <br />Other Council Members Present: Derek D. Dieter, Henry Davis, Tim Rouse, Karen White <br />Others Present: Mayor Luecke, Tom Price, Gary Gilot, Rita Kopala, <br />Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Maurice Pearle <br />Agenda: TRANSPO Facility Progress Report <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis, who serves on, the Transpo Board of Directors, scheduled a <br />meeting of his Council Utilities Committee to update fellow Councilmember's on the latest <br />developments facing TRANSPO. <br />First, Oliver referenced recent articles in South Bend Tribune dealing with the possible fare <br />increases being considered by the Board. The dilemma is frankly one where the Board faces a <br />growing deficit at a time when those riders who most rely on public transportation are often those <br />who can least afford an increased fare. He noted while the deficit requires attention thee are <br />groups such as "Bridges Out of Poverty" who claim a fare increase is a misplaced solution, not at <br />all constructive. The issue remains under study as the Board searches for an optimum solution. <br />Next, Oliver introduced Maurice Pearle, the Asst. Director of Operations at TRANSPO. Mr. <br />Pearle discussed the construction of the new bus barn and offices currently underway for <br />TRANSPO adjacent to the city's new Ignition Park. Well underway, the facility will replace the <br />one on Northside Blvd. which is over 100 years old. The city intends to clear this site for future <br />residential development. During the Q & A session that followed Councilmember Tim Rouse <br />wondered if smaller more efficient buses could better serve the budget deficit and bus riders. Mr. <br />Pearle responded saying studies indicate smaller buses have proven to be less efficient in the <br />long run in that maintenance costs are higher and service life is shorter. <br />Oliver prorpf~et!)futur updates before adjourning the meeting at 6:15 p.m. <br />Re~,f,~lly,~ub <br />,iD~s,`Chairperson <br />Committee <br />