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Don Inks, Director of Economic Development made the presentation. He explained the $12.5 <br />bond capacity allowed would be divided into two categories - 5 million dollars for public use and <br />7.5 million dollars for private development. Committee members Karen White and Tim Rouse <br />again spoke to the need for open discussion as to the allowed uses and prioritization process of <br />such proposals. In particular, Karen White, following up on a Tribune story reporting a dispute at <br />a Redevelopment Commission meeting regarding eligible uses of TIF funds for Project Impact <br />saw this as an example of the need for openness and input for the Council. Tim Rouse agreed. <br />Henry Davis felt absent input any Council vote was premature. Citing the request for "recovery <br />zone" approval without Council input on the front end was wrong. Don Inks reminded him that <br />any project selected required final approval by the Council. Henry Davis responded that this was <br />another.example of the administration asking for approval before any plans and goals are <br />discussed. <br />Nonetheless, on a motion by Karen White, seconded by Ann Puzzello and affirmed by all save <br />Henry Davis the bill was sent to Council favorably. <br />BILL NO. 10-15 <br />Tim Rouse noted a request by the city to continue this bill until the meeting of April 12th. Ann <br />Puzzello so moved. Henry Davis followed with a second and all agreed to continue. <br />BILL NO. 10-16 <br />This bill would allow the expansion of the South Bend Central Development Area by adding <br />parcels in the East Bank Village Area for future development and parking. Bill Schalliol from <br />Economic Development made the presentation noting the Area Plan Commission had reviewed <br />and approved the expansion. After brief discussion Karen White motioned a favorable <br />recommendation. Henry Davis seconded and all concurred. <br />BILL NO. 10-17 <br />This bill would allow the South Side Development Area to be expanded. The purpose of the <br />expansion as explained by Bill Schalliol in his presentation was to improve drainage in the <br />Erskine Plaza Area. He also noted the Area Plan Commission had reviewed and approved he <br />expansion. Henry Davis again maintained the Council needs front-end input to understand the <br />"big-picture" of development resources allocation. <br />Ann Puzello and Karen White moved to send the bill to Council favorably. Only Henry Davis <br />objected. <br />The final topic for discussion was an update on the projected construction timetable for the $50 <br />million Kroc Center to be built on Alonzo Watson Park at the southwest corner of Chapin and <br />Western Avenue. <br />Major Bob Webster from the Salvation Army made a brief presentation. Major Webster indicated <br />$12.5 million had been raised. This exceeds the $10 million requirement of the Kroc Foundation <br />for their $40 million grant. Major Webster said groundbreaking was scheduled for May 13, 2010. <br />The bid process would include an 18% set-aside for minority and women owned construction <br />companies. This provision though voluntary was cited as the Salvation Army's commitment to the <br />underserved and under represented in the community. An 18 month construction timeline was <br />projected. <br />Chairperson Rouse then opened the floor to questions; Gladys Muhammad expressed concern <br />that the name of Alonzo Watson be somehow memorialized. Major Watson agreed and <br />committed to do so. Marva Leonard-Dent wondered about the future of the foot-bridge over <br />Chapin Street connecting the Housing Authority to the Kroc Center. Major Watson and Gary Gilot <br />