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OCITYOF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston arrived at the meeting at 3:57 p.m. <br /> Committeemember Karen White asked Police Chief Scott Ruszkowski to share his thoughts on <br /> the matter. <br /> Scott Ruszkowski, Police Chief for the City of South Bend with offices located at 701 W. Sample <br /> Street, stated, We still need some sort of mutual agreement. That is without a doubt. I know our <br /> Legal Department has put it into the correct format it is supposed to be in. It has been done <br /> historically by an MOU or an LOU, now it is an Interlocal which is a more legal type document. <br /> There is importance to this. As you all know, our number one (1)priority is violence,particularly <br /> gun violence. All the other issues can't just go away. Things like family violence, drugs and <br /> homicide, they can't go away. They have to be addressed too. We are currently at two hundred <br /> and thirty(230)police officers. We have eight (8) in the FTO and five (5) at the Academy. So we <br /> are at two hundred and forty-seven (247) but we are still going to be short. We are still in the <br /> Recruiting and Hiring Process as well. We have a huge portion of our Police Department that are <br /> eligible to retire. So that all being said, yes, there is absolutely a need for this, but we just cannot <br /> move our personnel now. The three (3) positions we currently cannot fill, we are going to keep <br /> and fill them internally. <br /> Committeemember John Voorde stated, I wanted to speak to the same thing Councilmember Dr. <br /> Varner brought up. I want to make sure we are paying our fair share and how that share is being <br /> determined. <br /> Committeemember Oliver Davis asked, How soon can we get that information? <br /> Asst.Attorney Colborn replied,We can talk to the Prosecutor's Office about it and see how quickly <br /> we can get that information. I can't make any guarantees on his behalf. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, Since I have been on Council,this has been an issue every time we <br /> come up on negotiation. I truly believe we have to have cooperation with the County. We are the <br /> biggest gorilla in the County as far as this issue is concerned. I know we are asking a lot of <br /> questions but we really don't see the metrics of this. I did like to see the biannual report instituted <br /> with this because I think there have been issues in the past that these officers were just there and <br /> never moved, and never did anything else. So I think from a Council perspective, a few more <br /> metrics for this would go a long way. I love the idea that we are getting three (3) officers back. <br /> With all due respect,the County needs to fund the programs that the County has initiated. We need <br /> to have the metrics of what we put out to what we get back. The Prosecutor sets the agenda. I don't <br /> know if we are ready to vote on this right now. I am supportive of it for the three (3) officers <br /> coming back. I want those officers back. But, we also need to see metrics on this as well. <br /> Committee Chair Broden stated, I honestly don't know where to begin because of the lack of <br /> information. And I apologize but I concur with everything that has been said. Has the agreement <br /> that we have had in the past timed out? What is our current status? <br /> Asst.Attorney Colborn replied,There are several MOUs that are drifting around but this Interlocal <br /> will terminate upon the passage of this agreement. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 I T 0574.235.5567 j owwv <br /> 3 <br />