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Councilmember Williams-Preston stated, I think Councilmember Dr. Varner made a very good <br /> point in terms of the need to have a strong person that is respected and has background. That really <br /> shapes how I look at this. I want to look at grooming people that have an interest like Will Smith, <br /> for example. He has been on Community Investment and has a little more understanding of things <br /> and maybe even Lori who has plugged herself in before. I would like to think about how we can <br /> be proactive about that in the future. We need to get the people that are interested the education <br /> they need to get involved. I think it would be great if we could have one (1) Councilmember and <br /> one (1) citizen. <br /> Councilmember Ferlic stated, I would appreciate the support and I will be supporting Dr. Varner <br /> as well. <br /> Councilmember Broden stated, I guess this gets to composition to me with one (1)regard. I would <br /> like to know if the Mayoral appointments have been made. <br /> James Mueller, Executive Director of Community Investment with offices on the 14'h floor of the <br /> County-City Building, replied,Marcia Jones has been reappointed.Don Inks with continue on this <br /> mar,too. We have been looking to cycle in some new people as well. Quintin Phillips from Notre <br /> Dame Federal Credit Union will be a new members this year and will be replacing Kintae Lark. <br /> There is a lot of technical expertise needed to be brought to this to be able to ask those important <br /> questions. That is one (1)thing we learned with Kintae last year was maybe he was a better fit for <br /> some steering committees or other opportunities. That is one (1) of the biggest considerations is, <br /> you can throw a voice on there but it is a tough thing to manage if you don't have the full <br /> understanding of it. <br /> Councilmember Broden followed up, Thank you and that is insightful, I think that should perhaps <br /> impact our decision. I would also have to say, it is not just the members of this Commission, but <br /> also,in consideration of the staff changes we've funded and made,and the job descriptions relative <br /> to those staff changes, I think there could be some impact in some of these questions and areas <br /> we've asked our candidates today. I do like what I just heard, a formalized piece of the addition of <br /> steering committees. I think looking at this from just the two (2) year perspective and, even prior <br /> to coming onto the Council, it does seems as if our staff, as well as our Commission itself, could <br /> benefit from greater public input.Not just public input but people who have sector expertise. So I <br /> like that and I like the way the Commission is going. Last piece, I do think it is of utmost <br /> importance, to me, a real commitment to changing the meeting times. If we can't change the <br /> meeting times,to actually have a structural or agenda piece that is there, on a regular basis, where <br /> there is public input even prior to votes. A great disappointment of mine in attending these <br /> meetings has been the law itself can actually preclude that. I think we can make a big statement <br /> with regards to transparency and participation if we enable citizens to actually speak at these <br /> meetings. Having their voice heard through public participation, especially in light of the dollars <br /> that are segmented away from our General Fund, is critical. I think that will be a way to get some <br /> of these individuals who have interest,passion and skill sets better integrated into the process. If I <br /> am going to be voting tonight on this, I would actually really like to see a change in the meeting <br /> times as well as the communication with us as Councilmembers. <br /> 12 <br />