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year. It is just so much fun to showcase the City. Will the new Marriott Courtyard have tunnel <br /> access to the Century Center? <br /> Mr. Perri replied, Yes, they will. That was a key point to make possible. The more we can make <br /> South Bend a viable option for these things,the better off we will be. <br /> Committee Chair White asked, Is the security outsourced? <br /> Mr. Perri replied, That is a good question. Both the Morris and Century Center use a third party <br /> for day-to-day security. Police are onsite for every Morris show and every major Century Center <br /> show. The Century Center actually has two (2) full-time security guards. I will send you those job <br /> descriptions. <br /> Committee Chair White opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor of or <br /> in opposition to the legislation. <br /> Sue Kesim, 4022 Kennedy Drive, stated, I am working with a client and I've noticed there is a lot <br /> of Air B&B. I wonder if that is calculated into availability. <br /> Committee Chair White then turned the floor back to the Committee for further comment or main <br /> motion. <br /> Committeemember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No.10-18 to the full Council with a <br /> favorable recommendation. Committeemember Regina Williams-Preston seconded the motion <br /> which carried unanimously by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br /> Update- 2018 Budget Amendment Schedule & City Wage Information Posted in Gateway <br /> Jennifer Hockenhull, Administration & Finance <br /> Jeri Hockenhull, City Controller with offices on the 12th floor of the County-City Building, <br /> provided handouts to the Committee (available in the City Clerk's Office). She stated, Good <br /> afternoon, Council. Before you is a calendar that our Office prepares annually for additional <br /> appropriations we do every year. I know it used to be twice a year,then three (3)times a year and <br /> now we are trying to do it four(4)times. I think this is our third year doing it this way. It seems to <br /> work really well as it keeps everyone up to date and this way the last one(1) of the year isn't some <br /> twenty-five (25) pages long. We try to keep it very up to date for you all. We try to stick very <br /> closely to the schedule. Every once in a while it changes but we'll make sure we try to stick very <br /> closely to this. We will also get this posted online for the public.Ben Dougherty is our new Deputy <br /> City Controller. He comes to us with a legal background focusing on compliance as well as bond <br /> work. <br /> Committeemember Voorde stated, I would like to compliment Jen and Amy Shirk in particular. <br /> Last week, I asked them to take a few minutes to sit down with me and help me understand those <br /> monthly reports that we get. They are sometimes a little overwhelming to me and I'm sure they <br /> are more than willing to do that with any of us. It was really helpful. <br /> 4 <br />