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Secretary Dr. Varner followed up, In our reduced evaluation of the bond,that is because interest <br /> rates are going higher? <br /> Mr. Gifford replied, You are correct. We have an agreement with the City that we are not going <br /> to sell them at a loss and we will just let it come back because it matures so quickly. <br /> Rahman Johnson, Director of Treasury for the City of South Bend with offices on the 121" floor <br /> of the County-City Building, stated, I will be walking you through pages fifteen(15)to twenty- <br /> seven(27). Page fifteen(15) deals with our Stale Dated Check Policy. He read from the policy, <br /> "The City has defined that payroll checks and account payable disbursement checks drawn on <br /> city accounts will have a two (2) year active life from the date of issuance as noted on the check. <br /> Un-cashed checks, beyond the two (2) year active life period, are no longer valid and shall be <br /> classified as a stale dated check."He went on, Pages seventeen(17) and eighteen(18)have a list <br /> of accounts payable checks that have expired. We do reissue those checks and do our best to <br /> locate those individuals. Page nineteen(19)has a gentleman by the name of Dr. Fred Ferlic, a <br /> former Councilmember, who has yet to cash his checks from April 2015. 1 believe we could <br /> track him down. <br /> Councilmember Karen White asked, Looking at the two (2) year policy timeline based on the <br /> month, most of these are past that two (2) year threshold. Have you notified these individuals of <br /> what the action will be? <br /> Mr. Johnson replied, Yes,they are notified one (1) more time and if there is no response or no <br /> subsequent action, the funds are absorbed back into our fund. Page twenty(20),twenty-one (21) <br /> and twenty-two (22) is the Monthly Controller's Cash Report. We provide this every month and <br /> it is basically a summary of cash and investments by Fund for a given month. Currently,the City <br /> has approximately one hundred seven(107) Funds. With the help of the various fiscal officers <br /> throughout the City, we are pretty accurate in placing the monies in the appropriate funds. I do <br /> rely heavily on the fiscal officers throughout the City to input the money correctly and at the end <br /> of the month,I have to reconcile and I trust that everybody has put the money in their correct <br /> Fund. Page twenty-three (23) deals with our interest summary. You just heard Mr. Paul Gifford <br /> speak about the interest. After their monthly activity, interest kicks in for me. This year, for <br /> 2017,the total was $2,737,881. <br /> Councilmember White asked, Is there any particular Department that gets the biggest share of <br /> the interest disbursement? <br /> Mr. Johnson replied, It would be the Fund with the most monies in its current balance and that is <br /> usually Fund#324. He continued, Page twenty-four(24) shows the same interest but in graph <br /> form. That data is from 2009 through 2017. There was a big jump in 2015. Pages twenty-five <br /> (25) and twenty-seven (27) show a different format of this summary that breaks it down by the <br /> Fund per year. <br /> President Ferlic opened the floor to Councilmembers for any other questions they may have. <br /> There were none. <br /> 3 <br />