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Mr. Palmer replied, I don't have a concept of the feasibility of that. I do know at Council <br /> meetings in the past there has been brought forth a notion that South Bend should not shoulder <br /> the entire burden of this issue for the County. <br /> Committeemember Oliver Davis stated, Many rural places rely on the larger cities. <br /> Committee Chair Broden stated, I think it would be helpful to get drafts from other Counties and <br /> from their County Attorneys. I think it would be fairly easy to find any past bills that have <br /> addressed this. With regard to Indianapolis and their model, what year did they pass that? <br /> Mr. Palmer replied, I believe it was enacted in 2016. <br /> Committee Chair Broden followed up, What we are seeing is that but we need to get the <br /> backstory on that for the pitfalls and challenges. Because of the wherewithal, complaints might <br /> be more constructive. I think enforcement is important but also are the evaluative metrics. She <br /> then advertised the availability of all documents related to this issue as they are in the Dropbox <br /> Folder titled `Homeless'. The folder can be accessed on the Common Council's website. <br /> Councilmember Scott left the meeting at 5:51 p.m. <br /> Committeemember John Voorde stated, I'm glad we are considering the addition of <br /> responsibilities in this. I also think it is important we work closely with the Administration on <br /> this. <br /> Committee Chair Broden then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak on <br /> this issue. <br /> Ron Packer, 122 E. Pokagon Street, stated, I've noticed that the presentation is solely public <br /> sector solutions. Has partnership with private sector ever been considered?If not, why not and if <br /> it has,what has happened with that? Cass Community Association in Detroit has been at this <br /> issue since 1905. A great deal of people on the streets now should be given better options like <br /> group homes. <br /> Henry Davis Jr., 5117 Idlewood Drive, stated, I would first like to thank you in addressing this <br /> issue. Opening this issue creates a dialog that is necessary. It makes sense to spread this out to <br /> the community. I can go many places with a shirt and tie on and everyone knows who I am. But <br /> when I dress like I am now, no one knows who I am. We are talking about discrimination. We <br /> can't legislate people's hearts but what we can do is put in laws as safeguards. People have <br /> preconceived notions of these people and I implore you to remember through this process that <br /> we aren't going to make everyone happy. I can't see this negatively impacting business owners. <br /> I've been pulled over at gunpoint and nothing I was going to say that night was going to make <br /> them happy. Let's be realistic about how this is going to work. We have enough services that we <br /> need to focus on expanding. <br /> John Shafer, 402 Bison Ridge,Nappanee, IN, stated, I'm an advocate for the homeless with my <br /> non-profit Michiana 5 for the homeless. I agree that it is a shame to have to officially give <br /> 6 <br />