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Hong Tran, 644 E. 16" Street, Mishawaka, stated, Microblading is considered a semi-permanent <br /> tattooing service that draws fine hair-like cuts into the eyebrow that last anywhere between nine <br /> (9) and eighteen(18)months. <br /> Committee Vice Chair Voorde opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in <br /> favor of or in opposition to the legislation. There were none. He then turned the floor back to the <br /> Committee for further comment or main motions. <br /> Committeemember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 17-74 to the full Council with a <br /> favorable recommendation. Committeemember Jo M. Broden seconded this motion which <br /> carried unanimously by a voice vote of three (3) ayes. <br /> Committeemember Ferlic made a motion to hear Bill No. 17-78 and Bill No. 67-17 together for <br /> purposes of public hearing. Committeemember Broden seconded this motion which carried <br /> unanimously by a voice vote of three (3) ayes. <br /> Bill No. 17-78- Fiscal Plan for Banev Annexation Area <br /> Bill No. 67-17-Rezoning for 24605 Cleveland Road/Banev Annexation Area <br /> Angela Smith, Deputy Director of the Area Plan Commission, with offices on the 11th floor of <br /> the County-City Building, stated, The petitioner is seeking to rezone the ten(10) acres <br /> highlighted in red. Ms. Smith referenced a slide in the presentation available in the City Clerk's <br /> Office. She continued, It is currently zoned A—Agricultural in the County but it is completely <br /> surrounded by properties zoned LI—Light Industrial in the City of South Bend. There is <br /> currently a single-family home on the property that needs to be demolished to make way for the <br /> development as the site develops if it is rezoned today. There is no proposed development at this <br /> time. The petitioner is seeking to rezone this to combine it with the parcel to the east to allow for <br /> a larger industrial development site. This comes to you from the Area Plan Commission with a <br /> favorable recommendation. Rezoning the site to LI—Light Industrial will allow for the <br /> development of an underutilized parcel in an industrial area of the City. <br /> Michael Divita, Planner with the Department of Community Investment, with offices on the 14th <br /> floor of the County-City Building, stated, This fiscal plan is for a nine point six-five (9.65) acre <br /> annexation request by the property owner of 24605 Cleveland Road. As you heard earlier in the <br /> meeting,the site is proposed to be redeveloped for Light Industrial uses.No capital <br /> improvements are planned by the City as part of this annexation. Water and sewer are both <br /> available along Cleveland. The adjacent portion of Cleveland Road is already within the City <br /> limits. The annexation area will be added to the Common Council's First District. It will be <br /> served by Police Beat twenty-two (22), Fire Station eleven(11), Emergency/Medic eleven(11) <br /> and Code Enforcement Area eight(8). These and other non-capital services will be in place <br /> within year of the effective date of the annexation. <br /> Paul Phair, Holladay Properties with offices at 227 S. Main Street, stated, We believe the LI <br /> zoning is appropriate to the character of this area. We do own the east adjacent parcel. With this <br /> site,we have a great opportunity for industrial and economic opportunity for the City. <br /> 2 <br />