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r <br /> lighting. With their research and your support, we are able to accomplish what we want to <br /> accomplish. <br /> Committee Chair White requested a copy of the survey and results of the Bowman Creek <br /> Initiative. <br /> Bill No. 81-17-December 2017 Transfer Ordinance <br /> Bill No. 82-17-December 2017 Appropriation Ordinance-Enterprise Funds <br /> Bill No. 83-17-December 2017 Appropriation Ordinance- Civil City Funds <br /> Bill No. 84-17-Establishing New Funds for the City of South Bend <br /> Jen Hockenhull, City Controller with offices on the 12th floor of the County-City Building, <br /> stated, Before you is a second substitute of the budget transfers. These are transfers within one <br /> (1) fund so there is no additional money, we are just moving funds between different categories <br /> within the budgets that were appropriated in 2017. The substitute is due to one (1) division <br /> number being wrong on the first one(1). In 2017 we started fully charging all departments for <br /> water. Our Parks Department was under budgeted because we didn't really know what to expect <br /> with the splash pad. In the past, we budgeted our personnel and if people took health insurance, <br /> we would budget for that. If they didn't take it, we didn't budget for it. We are just transferring <br /> money to cover health insurance. Going forward, the practice will be budgeting for health <br /> insurance. There's one (1) for IT and Innovation. Originally when we budgeted, we budgeted <br /> them in different divisions but we decided to roll them up into one (1). Our telephone costs were <br /> higher this year than anticipated. When reviewing these,we found some circuits to eliminate. We <br /> will be saving roughly $360,000 in 2018 by shutting down those circuits. In our EDIT Fund <br /> #408,we had some debt service payments that were for December 2016 that were paid at the <br /> beginning of Janugy 2017 so we are just trying to correct the budget to cover that. <br /> Committeemember Gavin Ferlic arrived at the meeting at 3:26 p.m. <br /> Committeemember John Voorde made a motion to accept the second substitute version of Bill <br /> No. 81-17. Committeemember Ferlic seconded the motion which carried unanimously by three <br /> (3) ayes. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked, How do these compare to the transfers from 2016 at this <br /> point of the year? <br /> Ms. Hockenhull replied, I could compare the two (2)but typically toward the end of the year is <br /> when we are trying to clean up the records a bit. I wouldn't say there are any more or less than <br /> there typically are. <br /> Ms. Hockenhull continued, There are six (6) items on the Enterprise Funds ordinance. $49,000 <br /> for the Consolidated Building Fund has to do with emergency demolitions. All of these have <br /> available cash balances within their Funds. The next four(4) is because our interest continues to <br /> be higher than we budget for. There is one (1) for the Century Center and just a few costs are <br /> higher than were originally anticipated. There is $100,000 for State Seized Drug money slated to <br /> be spent for an upgrade for a fingerprint machine. Our Liability Insurance Fund is our Worker's <br /> 2 <br />