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reading is toni ht,then it goes to Area Plan and comes back before you sometime in January. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis had asked for an update. <br /> Committeemember Regina Williams-Preston arrived at the meeting at 3:52 p.m. <br /> Mr. Mueller continued, We have a relatively long presentation regarding tax abatements and the <br /> administrative incentives philosophy. We recommend giving you an update on the administrative <br /> incentives and hold off on the tax abatement update until Councilmember Oliver Davis is here. <br /> Mr. Mueller then referenced the presentation (available in the City Clerk's Office). Mr. Mueller <br /> went on, When Mayor Pete was running for office in 2011,Newsweek had listed South Bend as <br /> one (1) of America's dying cities. I think it's important to keep in context that a lot of things <br /> have been going on and we have gotten a lot of momentum, but that wasn't always the case. A <br /> lot of the reason we have gotten the momentum is through the hard work and tough decisions the <br /> Council and Administration has had to make. Today I want to go through our policy goals, main <br /> development tools, a brief tax abatement strategy and finally the projects that are affected by our <br /> incentives. One (1) of the key things Community Investment is tasked with is to make sure we <br /> are growing as a City. That means growing our wage base, our municipal product, our assessed <br /> value, and our population. There are many ways we can do that. One (1) of the key questions is <br /> how we raise our per capita income. That is really a question of productivity and inclusion. I <br /> think you have seen some talks from different invited speakers the last couple years about how <br /> density is a more efficient and productive use of land. Our City limits are fixed and the more we <br /> can get out of each acre means we are being more productive with land. Another key factor is <br /> inclusion. Other priorities include place making. It is becoming more of a knowledge-based <br /> economy and is becoming more and more about people. We need to make sure we are investing <br /> in a South Bend that has a vibrant culture that attracts and retains the talent we already have as <br /> well as bringing people from the outside. We are also looking toward being longtime <br /> environmental stewards. <br /> Mr. Mueller continued, This Council knows pretty well already what our main tools are. We <br /> have Tax Incremental Financing redevelopment areas. We have the tax phases in our tax <br /> abatements. We have land,the hotel-motel tax revenue and civil city funds. Our Tax Increment <br /> Financing is when we capture the growth from the investments made in the district. He showed a <br /> slide in the presentation that depicted this formula. He went on, There is a process called the <br /> normalization process. That is if there is growth in the TIF District that occurred by other factors, <br /> not the investments, they normalize that and it would go back into the base fund. He showed a <br /> slide in the presentation that showed all things eligible for TIF funds. He continued, TIF also <br /> helps with public facilities like Fire Stations and Police Stations. If we look at our TIF <br /> expenditures over-time, some of the longer-sitting members of the Council will recognize the <br /> shift of what all the funds are going to. We are investing in our Parks, Homelessness, traditional <br /> infrastructure, our City Cemetery and affordable housing. We shifted to start funding these types <br /> of projects. Tax incentives exist to mitigate the risk to enable project financing. So when a <br /> project comes and they have a certain risk profile,they have to go to the bank and figure out how <br /> to put it all together to make it happen. Having the tax liability phase in over time can help <br /> reduce the risk and make the investors comfortable in investing. We don't live in a vacuum and <br /> 2 <br />