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REGULAR MEETING December 11, 2017 <br /> Tim Scott, 1St District Councilmember, 711 Forest Avenue, South Bend, IN, stated, I did not <br /> know Billy, but I heard about Billy. My friend played trombone in a few of the Motown Bands, <br /> and he told me about him. I've learned a lot about him and I wish I had the opportunity to meet <br /> him. That is the one (1)thing we are celebrating here and that is the cultural improvement to our <br /> City. We need to recognize the arts. Everything that he taught was passed down and that is what <br /> South Bend is about. It is an honor for us to do this. This will go down in the history of South <br /> Bend. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, It is truly an honor to have the family here tonight. When <br /> you look at the phrase of people being able to walk with kings and queens and to not lose touch <br /> Y p p p g <br /> with the common folk,that was Billy. To be able to do that, that was genuine. A person may pass <br /> away but their legacy lives on. <br /> This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill,proponents and <br /> opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br /> Samuel Brown, 222 E. Navarre Street, South Bend, IN, stated, I knew Mr. Nicks for quite a <br /> while. I had a post office box not too far from his post office box and I would always chat with <br /> him. Everyone he met it was like he knew everything about their life. My grandson did a report <br /> on Mr.Nicks. My grandson couldn't fully understand who Billy was because Billy explained <br /> himself like he was just some average guy. I kept telling my grandson that Billy was someone <br /> special. We will truly miss him. May God bless him and bless his family. <br /> Gladys Muhammad, 808 N. Ironwood Drive, South Bend, IN, stated, One (1) of Billy's studios <br /> was in the South Bend Heritage Building on Colfax. When we would get to work, we would hear <br /> those drums playing all the time. I think Billy Nicks was one (1) of the kindest human beings <br /> that ever lived. He was always kind, no matter what. He smiled at everyone, shook their hands, <br /> and always asked about your family. He took time to do that. I know all his kids and I think they <br /> are all friendly and kind. It is a blessing to be here. <br /> Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to adopt Bill No. 15-2017 by acclamation. <br /> Councilmember Dr. David Varner seconded this motion which carried unanimously by a voice <br /> vote of nine (9) ayes. <br /> 16-2017 A RESOLUTION OF KAREN L. WHITE <br /> COUNCILMEMBER AT LARGE OF THE <br /> SOUTH BEND COMMON COUNCIL <br /> PUBLICLY RECOGNIZING AND <br /> COMMENDING BERNICE BAUL-FREEMAN <br /> FOR HER LONGSTANDING, PASSIONATE <br /> COMMITMENT TO RACIAL AND SOCIAL <br /> JUSTICE IN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND. <br /> Karen White, Councilmember At-Large, 1912 Malvern Way, South Bend, IN, stated, It is our <br /> pleasure to be able to present another proclamation to our own Bernice Baul-Freeman. Whereas, <br /> as an At Large Common Council Member of the City of South Bend, Indiana, I am humbled to <br /> honor and publicly recognize the many contributions and the public service that Bernice Baul- <br /> Freeman has rendered to the City of South Bend and its residents; and, Whereas, Mrs. Baul- <br /> Freeman worked for the Opportunities Industrial Center(OIC) of America founded by Dr. Leon <br /> Sullivan in 1984 for over fifteen(15) years, where she helped participants gain basic educational <br /> skills and helped hundreds receive their GED; and, Whereas, Mrs. Baul-Freeman has continued <br /> to serve as a Life Skills Coach to numerous at-risk youth and currently serves young adult <br /> women through the Porch Light Program operated by the Youth Service Bureau of St. Joseph <br /> County; and, Whereas, having been breast cancer free for twenty-three (23) years, Mrs. Baul- <br /> Freeman founded the Reaching Out Breast Cancer Awareness Center providing door-to-door <br /> educational services to raise breast cancer awareness and promote early detection; and <br /> Oliver Davis, 6th District Councilmember, 1801 Nash Street, South Bend, IN, stated, Whereas, <br /> Mrs. Baul-Freeman has voluntarily served numerous local agencies in various capacities as a <br /> constant voice for disenfranchised members of the South Bend community, including: the <br /> 4 <br />