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Committee Chair White opened the floor to questions and comments from Committee and <br /> Councilmembers. <br /> Committeemember Regina Williams-Preston stated, I want to thank the Administration for the <br /> increased consideration for the Public Safety Director issue. <br /> Councilmember Broden stated, Thank you to the Administration and Finance Department for <br /> handling all the questions from the Council and the public. The level of detail has improved over <br /> the last budget cycle I was involved with. I still believe there are some opportunities to <br /> implement some Standard Operating Procedures such as organizational charts and job <br /> descriptions. I think that would help tremendously. That will inform the public as well as the <br /> Council. The new position of the Public Information Officer,what do you hope to accomplish <br /> with that position?Also could someone explain the Director of Assets and Information System? <br /> Committeemember Ferlic left the Committee meeting at 5:22 p.m. <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, The idea behind the position is a result of there being a constant need for <br /> education of the programs we offer. A lot of the times people don't understand what Public <br /> Works is, how to access the programs or even what programs are available. The primary focus of <br /> this position would be outreach, education and marketing to give a better understanding to our <br /> citizens of what all is available. The Director of Assets and Information System is Jeff Weaver. <br /> He builds the platform to help manage assets. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Varner stated, Thank you to the whole Admin.and Finance staff. It occurred <br /> to me as we were talking about maximum salary ordinances that I didn't know if we budget for <br /> the maximum or the actual salary. Do we budget for the actual salary? <br /> Ms. Hockenhull replied, We budget close to the actual. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Varner followed up, I just noticed the State of Indiana is going to offer <br /> monetary aid to addressing the Lead Crisis. We should take advantage of that in the future. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, Thank you Councilmember White for running all of the public <br /> hearings for this year's budget. Thank you to Admin and Finance,the Administration and <br /> Finance Department and all the Department Heads. I know it seems that this process is quick but <br /> there have been a lot of meetings leading up to this vote. <br /> Councilmember Davis stated, I still don't know why we put in the budget those large salary <br /> increases if we are not going to utilize the maximums. It creates a lot of conflict and issues. I <br /> have never seen budgets like that for the City. It makes me uncomfortable. Why do we lock it at <br /> two percent (2%) for some and then for the nineteen(19) other positions have these high <br /> increases? What is your rationale for that? <br /> Ms. Hockenhull replied, Every year we take a look at positions and what folks are to doing to <br /> make sure everyone is in line with what they should be getting paid. We fixed a lot of positions <br /> last year and that was to really normalize those positions. This year we are coming back and <br /> 8 <br />