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Committeemember Voorde made a motion to send Substitute Bill No. 62-17 to the full Council <br /> with a favorable recommendation. Committeemember Broden seconded this motion which <br /> carried unanimously by a voice vote of three (3) ayes. <br /> Bill No. 65-17- Fixing Maximum Annual Pay and Fringe Benefits for SBFD for 2018-2021 <br /> Stephanie Steele, Corporation Counsel for the City of South Bend with offices on the 12th floor <br /> of the County-City Building, stated, We are here to present an ordinance for the salaries of sworn <br /> members of the South Bend Fire Department. We have come to a four(4) year agreement which <br /> we are very excited about. The first year consists of a two point two-five percent(2.25%) <br /> increase and then two percent(2%) for the years following. In the agreement there were also a <br /> few changes for some of the incentive pays. We've had a very interesting process in coming to <br /> the four(4) year agreement with continuing communication between the Union and the City. <br /> There is a section for longevity pay for ambulance lead paramedics. <br /> Steve Cox, Fire Chief of the South Bend Fire Department located at 1222 S. Michigan Street, <br /> stated, This was an agreement with members of leadership from a number entities and with <br /> multiple meetings. We are excited about this agreement and are happy with how it turned out. <br /> Ryan Takacs, Vice President of Local 362 South Bend Firefighters Association located at 4025 <br /> Lincolnway West, stated, It was a good process. We came to an agreement after some long and <br /> hard talks. Our body voted 171 in favor to 36 against, and that puts us at about eighty-three <br /> percent (83%)which is a bit higher than last time. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, Could you share some of the comments that accompanied the no <br /> votes? <br /> Mr. Takacs replied, You're not going to make everybody happy. We do the best we can to <br /> negotiate for the full membership we have. We have a very diverse group of people in the <br /> membership that need to have all their priorities balanced. We couldn't hit everything at once. <br /> They happen every time and this is nothing new. <br /> Committeemember Voorde stated, The key to successful contract negotiation is when both sides <br /> listen. We went in listening to the lists of wants and needs. Stephanie was willing to step back <br /> and accommodate important things to the Fire Department, but the Firefighters were willing to <br /> understand the parameters and constraints the City has. <br /> Council Attorney Bob Palmer stated, What impressed me most was the open and the trusting <br /> environment. There was a genuine respect amongst all the parties. <br /> Committee Chair White opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor of <br /> or in opposition to the legislation. There were none. She then turned the floor back to the <br /> Committee for further comment or main motions. <br /> Committeemember Voorde made a motion to accept the substitute version of Bill No. 65-17. <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston seconded the motion which carried unanimously by three <br /> 10 <br />