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get too prescriptive and end up destroying the market. Not because the market couldn't be there, <br /> but because we got too prescriptive. So we are going to evaluate zoning as a potential barrier to <br /> development in the neighborhoods. Also, an important segment of the population are households <br /> with children and a big determining factor of where they move and live is the quality of the <br /> school district, so we can't ignore that as a big driver of who is moving into the neighborhoods <br /> and who is staying. We are also exploring the possibility of a residential tax abatement, knowing <br /> we have limited funds from direct grant type programs. We might be able to find ways to abate <br /> taxes like we do for other types of development. We are also looking to contruct three (3) year <br /> processes for the vacant lots to figure out how to get these properties and put them back into <br /> productive use. <br /> Committee Chair White opened the floor to questions from Committee and Councilmembers. <br /> Committeemember Regina Williams-Preston asked, Could you describe the partnership with <br /> Bowman Creek?Are we providing dollars for that research? <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, That is one (1) component of the partnership with Notre Dame on the <br /> metro-lab collaboration. So the Innovation and Technology group is working on the wireless <br /> grant with NFS. That is one (1) component of this collaboration. The Smart Sewers is another <br /> piece that sparked an interest in this coalition. The Bowman Creek Educational Ecosystem is <br /> another part of the partnership. <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston followed up, My understanding is that you are mapping the <br /> vacant lots out there and who is specifically doing that? Are they out in the neighborhood, and <br /> are we providing dollars for that? <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, I would have to check with our Innovation and Technology group. I don't <br /> think there are substantial dollars, it is a lot of volunteer work. There may be man hours <br /> generated. <br /> Commiteemember Williams-Preston replied, Ok, I would like to know how much money is <br /> being paid so you can get that to us. Do you know how long those two (2) Census Tracts have <br /> been the focus of receiving those dollars? <br /> Mr. Mueller deferred his answer to Pam Meyer. Ms. Meyer replied, I would have to guess twenty <br /> (20) or thirty(30) years. When we target an area,that doesn't mean it is the only area that <br /> receives attention, though. <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston asked, Can you explain the $1.7 million expended in the <br /> `Housing Activities' line item? <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, This is straight out of the NaviLine system and sometimes they get <br /> classified as different groups. <br /> Ms. Meyer stated, That is a combination of our South Bend Home Repair Program and money <br /> we provide to REAL Services for the same types of rehabilitation. It is a combination of Federal <br /> 4 <br />