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�4 SpU T$ <br /> N <br /> U C <br /> 1865 <br /> OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK <br /> KAREEMAH FOWLER,CITY CLERK <br /> HEALTH&PUBLIC SAFETY SEPTEMBER 25, 2017 3:30 P.M. <br /> Committee Members Present: Jo M. Broden, John Voorde, Karen White <br /> Committee Members Absent: Oliver Davis <br /> Other Council Present: Tim Scott,Dr. David Varner, Regina Williams-Preston, <br /> Randy Kelly <br /> Other Council Absent: Gavin Ferlic <br /> Others Present: Kareemah Fowler, Graham Sparks, Bob Palmer <br /> Presenters: Robert Lanchsweerdt, Lonnie Douglas <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 56-17—Part Time Police Officer Program <br /> Bill No. 57-17—Human Rights Enforcement Agency <br /> Committee Chair Jo M. Broden called to order the Health and Public Safety Committee meeting <br /> at 3:30 p.m. She introduced members of the Committee and proceeded to give the floor to the <br /> presenters. <br /> Bill No. 56-17—Part Time Police Officer Program <br /> Robert Lanchsweerdt, Support Division Chief of the South Bend Police Department with offices <br /> at 701 W. Sample Street, stated, I'm here to present for Bill No. 56-17. The South Bend Police <br /> Department(SBPD) is experiencing what every agency across our nation is and that is a staffing <br /> shortage. One (1) of the ways in addressing this challenge is proposing a part-time officer <br /> program. This program would not back-fill our man-power or personnel-power. We will still <br /> continue pursuing our maximal staffing of two hundred and forty-five (245) officers. What this <br /> will do is allow the officers to not experience fatigue. It will allow the officers to continue <br /> putting their focus where they are best suited for our community. We are evaluating this program <br /> in the first year and will have five (5)to six (6)part-time officers to start the program. We don't <br /> see this program exceeding a dozen officers. They can work no more than one thousand(1,000) <br /> hours per year. Anything over that would put a burden on our community and department and we <br /> don't want that. We are cautiously approaching this opportunity. These will be previously sworn <br /> in and now retired officers. By putting them back into the community we will limit our loss of <br /> experience and relationship with the community. They will also be able to help mentor our <br /> 455 County-City Building•227 W.Jefferson Boulevard•South Bend,Indiana 46601 <br /> Phone 574-235-9221 •Fax 574-235-9173•TDD 574-235-5567• <br /> JENNIFER M.COFFMAN ALKEYNA M.ALDRIDGE JOSEPH MOLNAR <br /> CHIEF DEPUTY/DIRECTOR OF DEPUTY/DIRECTOR OF POLICY ORDINANCE VIOLATION CLERK <br /> OPERATIONS <br />