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Mr. Schultz replied, Yes,there are two (2). They were both about staffing. One (1) was about the <br /> minimum number of dispatchers and having some dispatchers not get breaks. The Operations <br /> Board is yet to take action. <br /> Chief Cox stated, What we heard at the Operations Board level is, from both the Union and the <br /> Administration, that they felt they could hammer out details to an agreement. <br /> Committee Chair Broden then asked, What is the timeline on that? <br /> Mr. Schultz replied, We are doing it through negotiations. The contract expires on January <br /> 2018. We've got a built in clock and we have to have something figured out in the next four(4) <br /> to five (5)weeks. <br /> Committee Chair Broden followed up, How long is your interim status? <br /> Mr. Schultz replied, My intent is January 1, 2018. <br /> Committee Chair Broden asked, Who evaluates you? <br /> Mr. Schultz replied, My chain of command starts at the Operations Board level. The Operations <br /> Board then recommends to the Executive Board. <br /> Committee Chair Broden followed up, What is the frequency on that? We all want this to get <br /> better and,to me, if we all have an understanding of the plan and route, and everybody is doing <br /> their part in contributing,but the reporting element isn't there, it won't get better. <br /> Mr. Schultz replied, A message I have conveyed from the very beginning is transparency. I have <br /> tried to be, and have been, very transparent through the whole process because I understand three <br /> (3) directors in four(4) years means we are in a project that is of the utmost importance.Nobody <br /> has a real warm or fuzzy feeling on 58266 Downy Avenue. It is all about deliverables. <br /> Chief Cox stated, What has been explained to us about how the Interlocal Agreement was drafted <br /> highlights the ultimate decision maker in regards to Mr. Schultz's position is the County <br /> Executive Branch. That would be the County Commissioners. You can imagine how confusing <br /> this is for the individual that holds Mr. Schultz's position. Sometime next year, we would like to <br /> clean up the organization and structure in the Interlocal Agreement. <br /> Committee Chair Scott stated, If the responsibility is with the County,they need to do that but <br /> we need to be a part of that. <br /> Mr. Schultz stated, One (1)thing that has not happened for a while is a quality assurance <br /> program. We are implementing that slowly. The people answering the phones haven't been <br /> receiving feedback on their phone skills. Our staff is very worried about not answering calls <br /> correctly, that will not happen. We are collecting that data now and we will see what needs to <br /> improve. We have common errors we have fixed already and it seems to be helping already. <br /> 4 <br />