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it is still a sticking point. We do make mistakes,but that means everyone in our community does. <br /> My press-point on this is focusing on mutual accountability. We are in this together and the body <br /> cameras will show that. When the bid is awarded, we will move immediately to the in-car <br /> camera portion. We will then involve everyone we can in the policy making process. There are <br /> privacy issues, fourth and fourteenth amendment issues and other legal issues that are created <br /> with the introduction of this technology. The community and all other stakeholders need to have <br /> input on this. Once the bid is awarded, this process has already been budgeted for the 2017 <br /> budget. <br /> Councilmember Voorde asked, Are the police officers in support of this? <br /> Chief Ruszkowski replied, Absolutely. In fact, our officers have participated in every meeting <br /> and workshop held by the Fraternal Order of Police regarding this matter. We have had a lot of <br /> questions and have received a lot of answers, and I have not received anything negative other <br /> than some officers asking themselves what more they need to do for the community to believe in <br /> us. I'm hopeful by the end of quarter one (1) of next year's budget, all body cameras, <br /> approximately one hundred and seventy (170), will be deployed. <br /> Committeemember Charles Barbour asked, Working backward from the timeline, when would <br /> you hope to begin deploying the systems? We've said September 12, 2017 is the date the bidding <br /> closes, so how long will they start arriving? And between the arrival and deployment, when will <br /> the policies be put into place? <br /> Chief Ruszkowski replied, We already have the in-car camera and body mic policies in place. <br /> We are still operating under those policies. We are, in the meantime, crafting policies to <br /> incorporate adding the video to the audio we already have. It seems simple but now adding the <br /> visual component, it means there will be areas of the public that will now be recorded and seen <br /> on record. <br /> Committeemember Derrik Campeau asked, Will there be extensive focus on the access of this <br /> video? <br /> Chief Ruszkowski confirmed, Yes. We have been meticulous and methodical in waiting to <br /> implement this initiative. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis asked Chief Ruszkowski how the Police Officers would like more <br /> recognition in the services they provide. There was brief dialogue with possible ways to <br /> recognize individual officers. <br /> Councilmember Voorde asked, How is this year's recruitment going? <br /> Chief Ruszkowski replied, It is going well and we have roughly three hundred(300) applicants. <br /> Unfortunately, though, it still doesn't look like we are correctly reflecting the demographics of <br /> what our community looks like. And back to the body cams, it is important to understand that not <br /> everyone is entitled to evidence. These things are being recorded, but not everything is subject to <br /> public viewing. We are making sure we iron those things out in the policy drafting that will <br /> 2 <br />