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when it comes to municipal law. This type of position would be new and would have a learning <br /> curve, but I have a background that would work hand-in-hand with something like this. <br /> Councilmember Ferlic asked, Please tell us about the toughest or the most challenging case you <br /> handled this year. <br /> Ms. Bauer stated, I have a client who is a local business owner in the Angola area. He lives on a <br /> lake and has had disputes for years with the town of Clearlake having to do with hooking up into <br /> the municipal sewer system. He owns the only three (3)properties not connected to the sewer <br /> system. A couple years ago the town of Clearlake sued him saying that he needed to connect. He <br /> fought back. His attorney is a family-law attorney and doesn't do appeals so that's how I got <br /> involved with it. After the first few filings, I found out the client likes to be very involved with <br /> the litigation to the point of re-writing things. He would send me seventy (70) page documents <br /> and is very personally invested in the matter. I make sure he knows I appreciate his interest, <br /> involvement and insight. When it comes to the legal argument, he doesn't cooperate as much as <br /> would be desired. I'm a big believer in the collaborative process but that has been my biggest <br /> challenge this year. <br /> Councilmember Ferlic asked, Can you share with us a recent accomplishment of which you are <br /> most proud? <br /> Ms. Bauer stated, As I stated earlier, I thought I would stay at Carson Boxberger and retire there. <br /> If you told me ten(10) years ago that I would start my own practice I would have thought you <br /> were crazy. I've adapted to that and it's been challenging working from the home. The whole <br /> process of developing clients has been something I've wanted to focus on. It's been a year and a <br /> half and I'm still practicing as my own law firm and I hadn't thought about it much lately but I <br /> would consider that to be an accomplishment. <br /> Councilmember Ferlic asked, Tell us about a challenge that you solved in a unique or unusual <br /> way, what was the outcome, and were you satisfied with it? <br /> Ms. Bauer stated, I don't know if I can come up with a specific example. I sometimes use the <br /> term `creative lawyering.' A lot of people that don't deal with lawyers think it's what you see on <br /> television and it is not. Being a creative person with a legal background gives me the ability to <br /> resolve questions and issues creatively. Some of that is with clients and some of it has been with <br /> my family. My folks are old and having four (4) adult siblings, we are all trying to decide how to <br /> help our parents and that has been difficult. You just never know. When you're an inquisitive <br /> person that enjoys research, it just goes back to the roots of doing what I've been doing since I <br /> was a kid. Writing and research has been what I've done and I enjoy doing it. <br /> Councilmember Ferlic asked, If you are selected for this contract, do you anticipate that we <br /> would contract with you individually and how do you envision working with the Council <br /> logistically? In particular, will you have office hours? Will you be able to attend Committee and <br /> Council meetings? <br /> 6 <br />