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REGULAR MEETING September 11, 2017 <br /> yard waste and refuse collection. Mr. Kain explained that if drivers notice contaminants in yard <br /> waste or refuse containers, they can issue a warning to the resident and provide guidelines on <br /> what is or is not acceptable. Repeat violations would result in a ten dollar($10) contamination <br /> fee. Mr. Kain stated that the other change to the ordinance is to make it read more clearly. He <br /> stated, The rate structure is in one (1)table as opposed to being dispersed throughout the <br /> ordinance within paragraphs, so all this information is in one (1)table. Mr. Kain added that the <br /> general language of the ordinance has been cleaned up. <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston asked, I notice it says that no owner, age sixty-five <br /> (65) or older, of multiple properties may claim more than one (1) senior discount—that's as it is <br /> now? That's not a change? <br /> Mr. Kain responded, That is not a change, but we do sometimes find the abuse of that program. <br /> So,the owner, who is allowed to get a senior discount, owns multiple properties, will sometimes <br /> seek a senior discount for multiple properties if the residents of those properties are not seniors. <br /> So, it's to prevent the abuse of that senior discount. <br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston asked, Are you assuming that these are rental properties? <br /> Mr. Kain responded, It could be rental or it could be owner-occupied, but every resident of the <br /> property has to apply for a senior discount. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked, Your process for notifying folks about the contamination <br /> issues—is that a service, or is it a letter that's coming from the City? <br /> Mr. Kain responded, For now, it will be a letter from the City. Our software will be able to tag a <br /> contamination address and then that will trigger a response from our solid waste team that will <br /> draft the letter and send it to the address., along with the guidelines. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, If you can share some of the information you shared with regard <br /> to the return trips,the stolen barrels, that you so kindly shared in Committee? <br /> Mr. Kain responded, On an average, we see about five (5) or so return trips a day—this is for <br /> yard waste or for refuse collection. We also see about anywhere from sixty-five (65) to one- <br /> hundred(100) containers that need to be replaced a month, and that's a large number that we're <br /> trying to bring down. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, You also asked, this afternoon,that in the event that the <br /> City worker happens to make the mistake, you are able to track that? And then,the homeowner <br /> or the person staying at the property will not be charged for a return trip. That continues to be the <br /> same? <br /> Mr. Kain responded, Correct. So, our software, like I said earlier, can track accurately—and if <br /> there's a mistake where our driver has accidentally not picked up,then yes the resident will not <br /> be charged. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked, Do we see any more situations,depending on the weather—if it's <br /> raining more, snowing, ice—are you having more return trips during that kind of a situation? Are <br /> you sensitive to the needs of[unintelligible]. How does that affect this whole situation? <br /> Mr. Kain responded, We are certainly sensitive to the needs of all residents. Our crews, certainly <br /> in heavier snow and severe weather—our primary concern is to clear the roads first, so our <br /> pickups are usually on delayed schedule. When that happens, we try to get all of the information <br /> out to the media so that residents are aware. Same for holidays where we have delayed pickup. <br /> But,we do have times—and every resident should be aware of when their pickup is to occur, <br /> within what timeframe. So, we ask that during that timeframe they bring their containers out. <br /> This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br /> opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br /> None from the public wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to this bill. <br /> 5 <br />