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REGULAR MEETING September 11, 2017 <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis asked, In terms of more of those quiet zones being on the west side <br /> of town—that has been a concern that people have addressed with me in a variety of messages— <br /> is that the money that you're talking about, looking to establish more from our city limits here on <br /> Mayflower all the way into those areas? There are two (2) different tracks over there on that side, <br /> because there are a variety of tracks we have—of course, you can't get across without passing <br /> the train over there. So, what's your thoughts regarding that, because I believe most of that is <br /> more on the east side instead of the west side. Could you share? <br /> Mayor Buttigieg responded, That's right. The zones that we're hearing about right now are <br /> mainly on the east side, so we're hearing from community members—who are hearing from you <br /> and other Councilmembers—the interest in making sure that there are other areas close to the <br /> tracks, including on the west side,that can get the same measures that will lead to the quiet <br /> zones. So, that's what we hope to be able to develop using the line item that we're requesting in <br /> the budget for 2018. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked, So, in the original request, was there ever any attempt to get your <br /> knowledge to look at the west side quiet zones at all? Were they just not there at the beginning? <br /> What was the establishment and why was it only on the east side? Do you have any idea? <br /> Mayor Buttigieg responded,Not having been present for the 2005 conversation, it's difficult for <br /> me to understand which areas were prioritized and why. What I will say is that this is an issue <br /> that we're talking about now, but I know that Council President Scott and you and others have <br /> brought it up over the years, and so we know that there's interest in extending it and making it <br /> available in both parts of the City. <br /> Councilmember Davis responded, Okay, I appreciate your concern. Thank you. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, Reading this, I dropped the ball on this in 2013. You and I talked <br /> about it, but I've seen all the documents and, yes, it seems, looking at Mishawaka, they <br /> repeatedly filed their reapplications for the process. I think we did miss it all on everything on <br /> the west side, but it went back even prior to 2005, I believe. We need to look at that. Talking to <br /> Eric Horvath, as well, on the subject matter on the west side: it is a concern. We have Norfolk <br /> Southern, we have Grand Trunk, and there are sixteen(16)trains a day on Grand Trunk; there's <br /> ninety (90) on Norfolk Southern. I think I would like to see—and I'm willing to talk to you guys <br /> another time—about upping that budget allocation, because I don't believe...I know it will likely <br /> be in the budget, but that $120,000 isn't really going to cover that. Quality of life is a big issue. I <br /> would like to see something of a little more concerted effort in 2018 toward improvements on, at <br /> least,Norfolk Southern lines, and some of those connections. But I appreciate the update. It has <br /> been kind of confusing to citizens out there, and we are getting a lot of calls on it. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, May I ask: when we are approved, what will that timeframe be <br /> for it? Will it be three (3) years and then we can expect to reapply? Or is ten(10)? Five (5)? <br /> Mayor Buttigieg responded, I don't know the answer to that. We will find out. <br /> Councilmember Scott asked Later this week Mayor? The follow-up on an questions left to <br /> > Y p any <br /> Mayor Buttigieg responded, Yes, we'll try to get that, yes, by the end of the week. And, <br /> obviously, the moment we have any actual news from the FRA, we will be communicating that <br /> fully. <br /> The Council thanked Mayor Buttigieg for his report. <br /> Mayor Buttigieg stated, Sorry. While I'm up here, I feel like it would probably be a mistake if I <br /> didn't say something about the other train-related issue that's commanding a lot of attention. I <br /> want to acknowledge that I know that the Council is going to take this up this evening, in a <br /> resolution on that topic, and express the Administration's commitment to working with the <br /> Council and working with neighbors in the Ardmore area. We take their concerns seriously, <br /> whether they live, strictly speaking, within the City limits or not, and we want to make sure that <br /> anyone who's affected by any move that's made, it is heard and is treated fairly. <br /> 3 <br />