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REGULAR MEETING September 11, 2017 <br /> Those wishing to speak in opposition to this bill: <br /> Will Smith, 728 White Hall Drive, South Bend, IN, stated, I speak opposed to it, particularly the <br /> language that's inside of it. I would like to see the Council send a message that we would like an <br /> economic impact analysis completed before the funds are committed. Everyone talks kind of <br /> about the bang for the buck, and, "This is great economics!" Yet, we haven't studied anything, <br /> yet. Do we really know what benefit that's going to bring? Kind of the basics of transportation <br /> economics in that analysis is finding out if the benefits are double-counted. Double track? That <br /> sounds like a double count to me. <br /> Councilmember Davis stated that he agrees with Mr. Smith that an economic impact study be <br /> completed before funds are committed to the project. Upon asking where in the resolution this <br /> request should be added, Mr. Smith proposed to Councilmember Davis that a fourth bullet point <br /> should be added to the text with that request. Several members of the Council agreed. <br /> Councilmember Scott asked James Mueller, Can you just quickly summarize where is NICTD, <br /> the County, the State, the Federal Government—where are we in the entire process, right now? <br /> Just to kind of clarify and set where the stake is in the ground, right now. <br /> James Mueller, Executive Director of the Department of Community Investment, with offices on <br /> the 14th Floor of the County-City Building, South Bend, IN, stated, As part of the resolution, you <br /> cited the Federal Uniform Relocation Act, and part of that will require them to go through the <br /> National Environmental Protection Act—called NEPA. By doing this, you evaluate a number of <br /> alternatives, look at all the impacts, throw out the ones with the biggest impact, and hone in on <br /> the alternative that has the least impacts. One (1) alternative that's required everything in the <br /> NEPA process is a no-action alternative—so, not doing it. And by doing so,that will be one (1) <br /> alternative that's evaluated—you know,the impacts relative to the other. It's called an <br /> Environmental Assessment, if it's a shorter process; it's called an Environmental Impact <br /> Statement—an EIS—if it's a longer statement and the impacts are greater. It's kind of a <br /> misnomer to call it"environmental"because they look at everything from noise, human impacts, <br /> to economic impacts. So,this will be done as part of the departments under the federal law. So, <br /> getting to Councilman Davis's question on language, if it's restricted to no funds spent on <br /> construction,there still needs to be funds for studies or other things. If you wanted to do no <br /> funds on construction of the line before an impact study, that ought to be sufficient because it's <br /> going to get done, anyway. <br /> Councilmember Davis stated, You understand what he's talking about? Are we clear with that? <br /> There are some things we have to have funding for in order to get some understanding. So,to not <br /> have any funding to get an understanding puts us in the dark. So, we have to have some funding <br /> released so we can get a better understanding is what I think that's what you're trying to tell me. <br /> Mr. Mueller responded, Yes. <br /> Councilmember Davis addressed Council Attorney Bob Palmer, asking him to read the amended <br /> language he drafted. <br /> Bob Palmer, Council Attorney, with offices on the 4th Floor of the County-City Building, South <br /> Bend, IN, stated, I would suggest a separate bullet point to the effect of: "No TIF funds for <br /> construction will be committed until such time that an economic impact analysis is performed <br /> and made available to the public." <br /> Councilmember Davis stated that the Council will present a cover letter to the Redevelopment <br /> Commission on Thursday September 28th, 2017. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked if there were any way for the Council to change the agenda to <br /> have the letter sent the Thursday of this week, instead. <br /> Mr. Mueller responded, We have an internal draft agenda for Thursday, but we have not made <br /> public notice for that, yet, so there is an opportunity to add a late addition, if the Council desires <br /> to have it this Thursday. <br /> 11 <br />